Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What Success Means To Me

This was an assignment they gave me in careers. I’ve decided to post it on my blog.
I believe that career success for me would be to work as a full-time science fiction writer and getting fan mail (i.e., questions about the finer workings of the novel’s world, inside jokes, etc.) Winning a Hugo would be nice, but having sci-fi fans write me fan mail would show me that I am successful in my career.
I would consider success in my personal life to be able to live on my own in an apartment with safety and a secure income. This may not be much to most people, but I have Aspergers Syndrome, a form of Autism that affects the way I am in social situations, so things other people would take for granted would be a major goal in my inter-personal success.


Steph said...

"I would consider success in my personal life to be able to live on my own in an apartment with safety and a secure income."

Just to point this out, that is not something that most people take for granted until they have it for awhile. At this point in my life, there is little I wouldn't give to have just that.

Dylan said...

Well, I've been living with my parents for pretty much all my life.

Steph said...

Yeah, so have I, with the sole exception of this year in university, but I still live at home over Christmas and summer, and quite frankly, I want out.