Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Earth We Be Demolished To Make Way For A New Hyperspace Bypass in 1 Day. Pack Up Your Fish and Towel and Make Your Last Orders

It’s coming. It’s finally coming. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is finally hitting the big screen after years of development, lay backs, Douglas Adam’s dying, guys pretending to be Douglas Adams getting laid in restaurants (This is true, I have a book with letters to Douglas Adams that confesses this) and all kinds of other stuff that has stopped one of the greatest science-fiction novels of all time from becoming a movie. Here is hoping we don’t see another David Lynch’s Dune.


Steph said...

I'm really really excited about this, but it makes me really nervous. I'm afraid of being disappointed by it. Movies based on books tend to be aweful. LOTR was good, and the first 2 Harry Potters were, but the third HP was terrible (in my opinion).

Dylan said...

I've only read the first book of Harry Potter, but my sister would agree with you about the third one. I liked the LOTR movies, even though I don't think Tolkein would have liked them much because he was the ultimate purist for his work.

But if you want to see a movie that was a complete insult to the movie, see David Lynch's Dune. I only saw it once to see how bad it was and it was terrible. The characters had barely enough time to develop and the ending was a great insult to Frank Herbert. The mini-series was better.

I would also be glad that this didn't happen to LOTR. Stanley Kubrick once considered doing LOTR with the Beatles playing key roles. He got ride of the idea because he said doing the movie would be impossible. I'm not kidding.

Steph said...

Wow.. I'm glad he got rid of that idea.. *shudder*

And I never got a chance to finish reading Dune yet. It's in my pile of books though. I'll get back to it, but if the movie is that bad, I'm not sure I'll bother with it. I guess it depends on how much I end up liking the book.

Dylan said...


Dylan said...

I will be making a parody of Stanley Kubrick's premise by getting a bunch of beatles songs, rewriting them to an LOTR theme and putting them together in a medley. It will be a post on this blog.

Steph said...
