Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A Breif Vacation

I am sorry to tell you this this early in the blog, but I am taking a short break. Some things have come up and I will not be making any posts for the next few days. You can expect my next post around February 2. I promise that I will have a complete this Week in my Head post for the days that we missed.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Introducing Ralph, Taos becomes the 51st state

Thank you for reading, a special treat for you guys today. A weekly column by my imaginary friend and one half of Writer and Company, Ralph. So here it is...

The World According to Ralph
This Week...Lord of the Rings Director’s cut
Hello, My name is Ralph Wyksyn Chorian and I’m writing the Monday articles. So, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m sixty-seven years old. I’m a Tawazee. I live with my wife and sixteen children. I like watching human films (my favorite is the Lord of the Rings trilogy) and using your Internet. When I’m not learning about human culture, I annoy my non-Tawazee friends by using Tawazee pop-culture refrenses that only I know.
I would like to talk about the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have only seen the movies because I can’t read or write human (A friend is typing this onto the computer). The Writer says that the books are pretty good thou and the left a lot of important things out of the movie that Tolkein would be pretty ticked off about.
Recently I have gotten the entire director’s cut of Lord of the Rings on DVD. It was much simpler then getting all three of them separately and since I am a figment of the Writer’s imagination and unable to get a job, I will soon be watching all three of them back to back to back. I recommend that any one who hasn’t seen the director’s cut of Lord of the Rings go see it, because it adds a lot to the movie.
I would say goodbye in Elvish, but I don’t know the Elvish word for ‘goodbye’. So see you next article.

Thank you Ralph, so it’s been a while since my last post on alternate events. So here is an instalment.

Today in my mind

in 1839 the Heretic Charles Darwin is condemned by the Roman Catholic church for his evil beliefs that life was not created by God, but by a process called evolution. He was hanged in 1845.

in 712 AUC Caligula sentences the senate to death after he hears that they intended to have him killed. The Empire deteriorate under Caligula’s rule and soon fell into political turmoil. However the Republic was soon re-established saving the Roman people and ultimately the world.

in 1848 Dwarven miners who came to the America’s set up a subteranial colony in Sutter’s Creek, California. The Dwarven cities and tunnels would extend from Sutter’s Creek into cities across the America’s. The Dwarves of North America would get there name from there colony becoming the Sutter Dwarves.

in 1935 a commercial attempt to put beer in a can is attempted by Krueger Finest Beer. The endeavor is unsuccessful and beer is sold in bottles to this day.

on Jumada l-Uqa 13, 1406 Latif Ibn-Ayasha dies. Originally a writer, Ibn-Ayasha soon started to bend to the philosophical and soon published his book Dianetics and soon founded the Church of Scientology. Scientology is practiced across the world, especially in Australia.

in 1908 the Boy Scout movement begins in Britain. Boy Scouts soon spread to the West of Old Earth and became very popular in the Americans. During the mid-21st century it became a mandatory part of American education. The Boy scout movement was ended in 2178 during the maturing because it promoted patriotism.

on Aquarius 5, 14 NC Hippies are granted a state around Taos, New Mexico. While small at the beginning. The state of Taos would soon reach from what was once Utah to what was once Florida after the fall of the American Empire.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

My Future History

First, I would like to announce that anyone can post a comment on my sight regardless of wether you have a blog of your own or not. So keep those comments coming, we at Writer and Company think that they are an important part of this web site.
Today I would like to share with you my future history. Like the great Robert A. Heinlein, before me I am compiling a future history to pump out an unlimited number of stories. It’s not quite completed but here is a basic outline.

300 million years ago
-The Aesir defeat there Jotun predecessors and create Asgard at the galactic core.
-Life begins to evolve on Point of Origin, The Alavallan home world
299 million years ago
-Point of Origin is rendered unhabitable, the proto-Alavallan species of the Gle’an begin there legacy.
150 million years ago
-The Gle’an are completely evolved into the Alavallan
-The Dinosaurs die off.
10 million years ago
-The Alavallan reach the milky wave
-Aesir-Alavallan war takes place.
2.6 million years ago
-Humans begin to Evolve on Earth
-The Cybernetic Enayon destroy there creators and the Enayon Council is made on Olympus.
45'000 BCE
-The Alavallan make first contact with humanity.
-The Wandjina start seeking out a new home world after there sun goes nova, the land in Australia
4'000 BCE
-The Enayon claim Earth for there own
-Alavallan begin a cultural revolution on Earth saying that there is a singular God. This would only catch on with a small group of Desert nomads in the middle east but it would be enough.
-Osiris is murdered by Seth. The female counterpart of Osiris, Isis creates an upgraded Enayon from Osiris body named Horus.
560 BCE
-In retaliation to the Enayon God control, the Alavallan create the Buddha. The teachings of the Buddha said that one could attain an divineness which soon cancelled out most of the Enayon’s control in Asia.
-The Wandjina create Dreamtime
-Jesus is born. With Jesus, the Alavallan used a hybrid of there success with Buddhism and the Jewish faith that Jesus was raised in. While the becoming divine thing wore off, the Enayon lost control of things in Europe and were soon forced to leave Earth.
-The Prophet Muhammad is born
-Naous of the Alavallan is born
-Naous crash lands in Roswell, New Mexico. He soon has a small following of humans.
-Naous meets his final mate Esmeralda Parvati.
-Esmeralda Parvati is inngected with nanoprobes that alter her DNA cross breeding it with several sentients from a broken Alavallan database in Southern California.
-Naous begins preaching
-Naous and Parvati leave Earth
-The Final Corruption begins.
-The Alavallan take over Earth, the Maturing begins
-The first ships of the Diaspora begin.
-Earth is officially abandoned
-The Maturing ends. The first mature human civilizations begin
-Naous and Parvati ascend to a higher plane
-The Da Vinci, the first human vessel capable of wormhole travel is built and launched at New Earth.
This is my future history. If you have anything you want to see on this time line, e-mail me at However, I will use your ideas in my own stories and I will not be giving you any of the cut from my publishing.
Tomorrow I will be introducing a column by my imaginary friend Ralph. Ralph is a four-foot tall rodent-like creature who has been bugging me about being a part of my blog, so I finally put him in. Ralph’s views do not represent that of the human species or this blog.

Goodbye and Vote for Greater Zionist Resistance at althistory.blogspot.com

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Surreal Life...NOT

Has anyone here seen the Surreal Life. It's a reality television program where you put a bunch of has-beens in the same house together. I think that this does not qualify a name such as the Surreal life, So we at Writer and Company are making our own Surreal Life. Instead of washed up MC's and Televangilists we will have obscure Gods and famous Historical figures. We would appresiate any ideas you might have for characters.
Vote for Greater Zionist Resistance at althistory.blogspot.com

Friday, January 21, 2005

The Gay Marriage Issue

Recently in Canada, the government has been discussing legalizing gay marriage. This is causing great havoc with the local religions and is probably one of the major subjects that the Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin will be discussing with the leader if the Sikhs in India. I have a few beliefs on gay marriage and marriage in general that I would like to talk about.
First off, marriage itself. I’m not big on main stream marriage. I believe that marriage is something that should be between two individuals. My idea of the perfect wedding is two people just agreeing that they will live in a mutule co-operation. They don’t need any religion or government to recognize this. The presence of someone to marry the two is practically uncalled for. A priest or Elvis impersonator has nothing to do with what marriage actually means.
So, let’s talk about the gay marriage issue. What I see as interesting as one of the main justification against gay marriage (and homosexuals in general) is that it’s against God’s will. What I say to them is if being gay is against Devine will, the cosmic design of the very fabric of space and time then why is it here in the first place. And don’t give me any of that Judeo-Christian expulsion from Eden and sin coming into the world stuff. That’s all in your head.
So should gay marriage be legalized. I say we should outlaw marriage as an institution in general. As I said in the second paragraph, marriage should be between two people without an intermediator, whether you homo or heterosexual and if God has a problem with that then though luck for him. He’s the idiot that gave us free will, so it’s all his fault.
So in conclusion, I would like to say to all those people against gay marriage because it goes against all the major religions I say "So What?,". Thank you for reading this. You Fundamentalists can know send your complaints.

And for those of you who haven’t been completely insulted by me. Here is a new thing that will be posted every Friday. I call it Alien Species of the Week. Every Friday I highlight an Alien Species that either I made up or someone else did. The moment we make contact with aliens I will put them on, but till then your going to half to settle with this. So here is this week’s installment of ...

Alien Species of the Week
This Week: The Wandjina

The Wandjina are more commonly known to most North Americans as those Grey aliens that abduct people. In truth the Wandjina are a race of aliens who came to Earth after the destruction of there home world and have took refuge in an artificially created shadow Earth.
The Wandjina look like the classic Grey aliens you see in the tabloids, however like most of the things you read in the tabloids it’s only half true. The Wandjina do not operated from another planet, but an alternately created Earth using a complex scientific practise that I don’t fully understand. They communicate using telepathy.
Wandjina culture and social structure is similar to of the fairies of lore. Wandjina love nothing better then a good party and they have been known to leave half-breed children in this Earth.
Like fairies, the Wandjina have erratic behaviour to strangers so they are best avoided unless absolutely necessary.
This other Earth (called Dreamtime, by the human inhabitants) is almost identical to the Wandjina home world. For the most part it is red desert similar to the Australian outback, but there are small pockets of ocean regions. Besides the Wandjina who live here, there are several human inhabitants. There are basically two groups of Dreamtime humans, Aborigines and Fenians. The Aborigines are descended from Australian natives who the Wandjina planted in there alternate Earth for unknown reasons. The Fenians are descended from Celts who the Wandjina brought for supposedly the same reasons. We at Writer and Company aren’t sure, maybe the find humans amusing.
Because of a flux in the Dreamtime, time occasionally speeds up once and a while on it. This explains the tales of some visitors to the Wandjina’s realm saying that time passed at an alarming rate outside the Dreamtime while a week only passed by in the Dreamtime, and vice versa. The flux has only recently been corrected by the Wandjina.
Because of prolonged exposure in the Dreamtime, the Wandjina are not able to enter our realm without an trans-dimensional device known to us as UFOs. The human inhabitants of Dreamtime can enter our realm for limited periods of time, but they don’t usually.
Population of Dreamtime: 167 million Wandjina
1.9 billion humans

Goodbye, and vote for Greater Zionist Resistance at althistory.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Zen and the Art of Stimming

In my last article I wrote about Asperger's and said something about stimming. Today I will speak of stimming.
Stimming is when my fingers start moving eratically. This is not something I can do whenever I want (I've tried and It's not right when I do it), but something that happens to me when I'm thinking really hard about something I like. This is my theory of stimming.
The Writer and Company Theory of Stimming
When subject Aspie's mind is thinking at an above average level, subject Aspie's brain sends loose mental energy down to his/her fingers. The fingers of subject Aspie start moving in an unpredictable way.
Stimming is also benificial. Sometimes when I'm really stressed I go up to a wall and start stimming. It helps me relax.
Because there is nothing better to do. Here is some alternate events in history.

in 1756 Ara’Do Mahmoud, Djinni immortal and one of the first converts of the Prophet Mohammad leaves his home in Dublin, Ireland to live in the Americas.

in 1841 The First Anglo-Chinese War ends with China defeating the British. The Chinese would continue to push the English back until China controlled almost all of Eurasia. Chian faced civil war during the early 20th century however and where defeated by the People’s Republic of Oceana in 1959.

in 1972 Don McLean’s American Pie hits number one. Naous, who heard it while packing for his move to India liked it so much he wrote a rare parody called Alavallan Sky.

in 1942 Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by a Hindu extremist group. Mahatma Gandhi started a pacifist movement that inspired individuals to seek a non-violent answer to there cultural problems including Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, The Dalia Lama, Shaman Arthur McCarthy and Unit 362.

in 1920 DeForest Kelly, famous television actor was born in Atlanta. Famous for his work the famous Space Trek series as Doctor Leonard McCoy. After Star Trek wrapped up in 1974, DeForest Kelly started working in Films and played Doc in the Back to the Future Trilogy.

in 1946 David Lynch is born in Missoula, MA. David Lynch is most famous for the Dune Trilogy he made with the author of the book, Frank Herbert. The book was filmed in three separate movies and is known as the best interpretation of a book to movie in the world. The success of the movie also shot Sting in to an acting career with such movies as X-men, Jurassic Park and The Matrix Reloaded.

in 1892 The game called basketball was played at a YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. The game never really caught on and faded into obscurity.

On Aquarius 1, 1 Vishnu Rose attends his first love-in at Central Park in New York. Vishnu Rose would turn the hippie movement into a full fledged culture that soon became the largest minority group in North America.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Asperger's Syndrome

I have renamed my blog the Aspie Diaries. This is because I have Aspergers Syndrome. Now most of you are asking yourselves "What's Aspergers Syndrome,". Well I'm going to explain that.
Aspergers Syndrome is a kind of Autism that affects social development. People with Asperger's Syndrome have difficulty making eye contact, having a conversation with other people outside a certain subject (which might be something most people don't care about such as cows or Mesoamerican Calendars or Australian Mythology), difficulty under standing social norms and difficulty expressing empathy. It is vary recent and there are some people who believe it's a disease and should be cured, but I have a diffrent theory. Many of the greatest geniuses of History could have had Asperger's Syndrome. Here's a short list.
  • Albert Einstien
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Motzart
  • Michelangelo
  • Thomas Jeffersom
  • Mark Twain
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Issac Asimov

All these people have made a great impact on the world in someway. My theory is that Asperger's Syndrome is an evolutionary quirk that allows the human species to go up a level in our knowledge and eventually covered the Arts. So if there wasn't any Aspies (people with Asperger's Syndrome) there wouldn't be any progression. Who knows, maybe Jesus and Buddha were Aspies. It is said that Muhammad shook once and a while, that could just be stimming, a thing that happens to my hands when I think really hard. I'll do an article on stimming sometime. (I don't mean to offend any Muslims out there, but you got to admit saying that Mohammad was an Aspie is a lot better then some of the stuff that you get from some Western writers).

Speaking of the Prophet. Today in some then-backwater Arabian town called Mecca. Mohammad was born. I've come up with some alternate versions of the birth of Mohammad, inspired by fellow blogger, The Alternate Historian who's at althistory.blogspot.com, The first one is basically a ripe off his Islamic timeline. The other two I came up with on my own. Again I don't mean to offend any body and I am a big fan of Islam. Great religion. Plan on reading the Koran in the original Arabic once I learn it.

in Dhu l-Qa’da 23,-57 The Prophet Mohammad is born in Mecca. The Prophet brought the holy words of Islam to the world that all now follow. Allah is great.

in Dhu l-Qa’da 23, -57 Muhammad is born in the city of Mecca, Arabia. Founder of Islam, Muhammad started the most numerous religious followings followed closely by Nihaldenism and the basis for the Fundamentalist Democracy, The Islamic Roman Republic.

in 570 Gregorian Year Muhammad is born in Mecca. During the Great Shift, Mohammad was placed outside Toronto with Jesus and Siddhartha Gautama. The three would start a religion by pooling Buddhist, Christian and Islamic traditions.

in 570 Muhammad, the founder of Islam is born in Mecca. Islam grew to be one of the dominant religions of Ancient Earth, but during the maturing Islam went thru many changes including the Ecoshiite of 2202, the Feminist Islam movement in 2234 and the Lost children of Mecca in 2256.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

A Beggining

Welcome, to my little bit of the Web called "The World of My Head". A sort of sequeal to my less succsessful blog "Things in my head," which I lost. Here you will see a multitude of things such as a This day in alternate history thing, top ten list, an occasonal column and many other things.
I'd like to thank the Alternate Historian, first off, who got me interested in blogs. Now here is what happened today in my mind.
Today in my Mind
in 32'000'000 B.C.E The Djinn rebellion against God is put down and the Djinn are spread across the multiverse. One minor Djinn, named Ara'do is brought to the Almighty and is unneccisarrily cursed with Immortality. Many of God's heavenly host thought this was very harsh indeed. God was unavalable for comment.
in 4004.107 The Colonist homeworld of Al-Zerra is conquered by the Five Worlds Empire. The Colonist species has since been flung across the known Universe. They would not become a major fource in the political arena until 700 years latter when Darmir Arba would be brought out of stasis.
on Rajab 25, 1212 Nihalden is born in C'ar Hag, Qa Nada Province. Founder of Nihaldenism, he started on of the most powerful religions of this day, that rivaled even Islam.
on Capricorn 23, 18 years before the New Calendar Vishnu Rose, born David Marshall Carpenter is born in Stratford, Ontario. After his family moved to California a year before the new calendar was created. He joined the hippie movement with great dreams of it and hey, here we are man.
This is enough for today. I'll have more for you tommorrow.