Friday, January 21, 2005

The Gay Marriage Issue

Recently in Canada, the government has been discussing legalizing gay marriage. This is causing great havoc with the local religions and is probably one of the major subjects that the Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin will be discussing with the leader if the Sikhs in India. I have a few beliefs on gay marriage and marriage in general that I would like to talk about.
First off, marriage itself. I’m not big on main stream marriage. I believe that marriage is something that should be between two individuals. My idea of the perfect wedding is two people just agreeing that they will live in a mutule co-operation. They don’t need any religion or government to recognize this. The presence of someone to marry the two is practically uncalled for. A priest or Elvis impersonator has nothing to do with what marriage actually means.
So, let’s talk about the gay marriage issue. What I see as interesting as one of the main justification against gay marriage (and homosexuals in general) is that it’s against God’s will. What I say to them is if being gay is against Devine will, the cosmic design of the very fabric of space and time then why is it here in the first place. And don’t give me any of that Judeo-Christian expulsion from Eden and sin coming into the world stuff. That’s all in your head.
So should gay marriage be legalized. I say we should outlaw marriage as an institution in general. As I said in the second paragraph, marriage should be between two people without an intermediator, whether you homo or heterosexual and if God has a problem with that then though luck for him. He’s the idiot that gave us free will, so it’s all his fault.
So in conclusion, I would like to say to all those people against gay marriage because it goes against all the major religions I say "So What?,". Thank you for reading this. You Fundamentalists can know send your complaints.

And for those of you who haven’t been completely insulted by me. Here is a new thing that will be posted every Friday. I call it Alien Species of the Week. Every Friday I highlight an Alien Species that either I made up or someone else did. The moment we make contact with aliens I will put them on, but till then your going to half to settle with this. So here is this week’s installment of ...

Alien Species of the Week
This Week: The Wandjina

The Wandjina are more commonly known to most North Americans as those Grey aliens that abduct people. In truth the Wandjina are a race of aliens who came to Earth after the destruction of there home world and have took refuge in an artificially created shadow Earth.
The Wandjina look like the classic Grey aliens you see in the tabloids, however like most of the things you read in the tabloids it’s only half true. The Wandjina do not operated from another planet, but an alternately created Earth using a complex scientific practise that I don’t fully understand. They communicate using telepathy.
Wandjina culture and social structure is similar to of the fairies of lore. Wandjina love nothing better then a good party and they have been known to leave half-breed children in this Earth.
Like fairies, the Wandjina have erratic behaviour to strangers so they are best avoided unless absolutely necessary.
This other Earth (called Dreamtime, by the human inhabitants) is almost identical to the Wandjina home world. For the most part it is red desert similar to the Australian outback, but there are small pockets of ocean regions. Besides the Wandjina who live here, there are several human inhabitants. There are basically two groups of Dreamtime humans, Aborigines and Fenians. The Aborigines are descended from Australian natives who the Wandjina planted in there alternate Earth for unknown reasons. The Fenians are descended from Celts who the Wandjina brought for supposedly the same reasons. We at Writer and Company aren’t sure, maybe the find humans amusing.
Because of a flux in the Dreamtime, time occasionally speeds up once and a while on it. This explains the tales of some visitors to the Wandjina’s realm saying that time passed at an alarming rate outside the Dreamtime while a week only passed by in the Dreamtime, and vice versa. The flux has only recently been corrected by the Wandjina.
Because of prolonged exposure in the Dreamtime, the Wandjina are not able to enter our realm without an trans-dimensional device known to us as UFOs. The human inhabitants of Dreamtime can enter our realm for limited periods of time, but they don’t usually.
Population of Dreamtime: 167 million Wandjina
1.9 billion humans

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool dude! I will become a regular reader of this blog!