Monday, September 25, 2006

LEADS and Dragonboating.

Six days and no posts. Far past time to get to work.
Wednesday i met my guidance councilar from LEADS who's going to held me find a job. We shall call her Kaylee, because she reminds me of the character from Firefly of the same name. Not sure why. I think it's the voice. Anyway, I showed her my regular haunts which didn't take long as I only have three regular haunts discluding School and my house. These three regular haunts are the public library (which she has already seen), the Book Vault and Tango's, a coffee house were I eat cookies and write stuff. We will be meeting again next Wednesday at Tangos.
Needless to say, I didn't find it that enjoyable. Unfortunatly I have to do it again Wednesday. Not fun.
And that's my life. Nobody tell me to hang in about the Dragonboating please.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Man, this post just got no flow bro

I am reading six books at the same time. This is a bit startiling for me as I usually limit myself to four, so I really want to finish one soon. The problem is I just can't stop as they are all so good. Thankfully I'm re-reading one, another is a book of short stories, and another is a non-fiction book. I figure I can put down Wizard and Glass for awhile and work really hard on Brave New World and Hearts in Atlantis.
Anyway, I feel like I have neglected my blog. Something that came up is the controversy of the Pope implying to accusing Islam to convert by the sword. My first response was "and Christianity converts by the dagger, cough cough "Spanish Inquisition" cough cough". However, it was later that I learned that Christianity may have converted by the sword to during the Crusades. The Crusades were a really bad for the Muslim world, since they hade a bunch of Crusaders coming and raping women and pillaging and such. Off course, the Muslims did attack Byzantium, making the Emperor of Byzantium call for help in the Western Church. Not that the Western Church helped as much as invaded Byzantium as most of the people in the Crusades just new that the "infidels" were in the east, and lookie her Byzantium is in the east. HULK LOOT!
Anyway, All I can say is that like most human wars, everyone in the crusades was an idiot, but the Roman Catholic Church is a bigger idiot. And also, Muslims should be talking this over. Another thing wrong with terrorists. If they're so pissed off at America for being Godless heathens or whatever, why don't they send some missionaries over and try to convert them. Huh? Wait, it all comes down to oil. The oil must flow and all that shit. Won't flow for long, then the Amish will rule all. I really think it would be interesting to see what a world would be like without any oil. I don't plan on living in it mind you. I'm going to hall ass to a safe location, write my novels and then maybe I'll start a real cult to combat the Communist Nazi Theocracy that will take hold.
Anyway, that's it. See you all soon.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lunchtime Blogthings

You Scored 35% Correct

You know some 80s stuff
Like that Paula Abdul was a star back then
But you're not sure who Suzie Q was
And you don't know what Samantha Fox was really famous for!

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Eagle
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.

You Belong in Brooklyn

Down to earth and hard working, you're a true New Yorker.
And although you may be turning into a yuppie, you never forget your roots.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Contemplating 9/11 and coming back to school

Today is 9/11. I just realized that things are never going to be the same for my generation. I suppose that alot of people have clued in on this, but this is a new sensation for me. A bunch of people destroyed something really important (that I never knew existed until they told me it was destroyed), and know we are blowing stuff up in the Middle East. Canada's in on it too know, since we are in Afganistan know.
It's just that things seem really grim because of 9/11. Once you just look at all the death going on in the world because of this, you just have to ask why the hell this is happening. I feel like part of the Scattered Generation. That's my word for my generation, I would have used Lost because I feel a great deal of Loss because of 9/11. Off what, I don't know, the people, our vision of society, the soul of western civilization as we know it. All those things. Anyway, Ernest Heimingway and his buddies already called the Lost Generation, and I real feel that we are scattered. Maybe we could also call ourselves the Broken Generation, because I sure don't feel that we are in complete working order. Maybe everything is Broken. Maybe we should just throw in this whole Civilization shit, since all it does is make everyone yell at each other. Maybe civilization is the work of the Devil. Maybe this is hell, which sure makes me feel comfortable, since I can only go up from here. Well, I sure hope that this is hell, because then Heaven must be really, really great.
Anyway, I've already got my share of work. I'm reading Brave New World, which is pretty scary for two reasons. The First Reason is the cliche, since it seems pretty close to own world, and second, it is kind of similar to the bit of my future history that I am know working on. The Feudal system, the sexual promiscuity, the conditioning, I even have test-tube people, but they are still used as slaves and human's still use sex to reproduce. I almost forgot theirs a third reason.
What if it's already happening?
Scary, isn't it.
Well, good bye. See you soon.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ich Bein Ein Blogger

Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.
With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you
In love: You are picky but passionate
To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

You Are a Liberal for Life
You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.

You Are Most Like John F. Kennedy
You live a fairy tale life that most people envy.And while you may have a few dark secrets, few people know them.
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Couple Blogthings

You Are From Pluto

You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you.

Would mean so much more if Pluto was still a planet. I would have preferred Arrakis myself. Fremen kick ass.

If You Were Born in 2893...

Your Name Would Be: Enm Terr

And You Would Be: A Demi-God

You Should Travel to Cambodia

While you might not go all Angelina Jolie and adopt a baby...
You can still appreciate Cambodia's rich history and deserted beaches.

Your Geek Profile:

Academic Geekiness: Low
Geekiness in Love: Low
Movie Geekiness: Low
Music Geekiness: Low
SciFi Geekiness: Low
Fashion Geekiness: None
Gamer Geekiness: None
General Geekiness: None
Internet Geekiness: None

Final Day of Summer

Remember the Crocodile Hunter? Guy on the discovery channel, born in Australia. Says crinky a lot. Comedians made jokes about him getting really close to animals and picking them up and talking about how it’s a wonder he wasn’t killed by one. Well, it looks as if the comedians have predicted his death, because Steve Irwin was killed today by a Stingray near the Great Barrier Reef. I was wondering what happened to him myself, recently. So long Steve Irwin. So long.
So, back to my life. Tomorrow I go back to school. Somebody cue the music they play on the trumpet when someone dies. I don’t here anything. Aw forget it. You get the idea. As I have explained in my last post. I have some good classes lined up, but I don’t particularly like the idea of having to do anything remotely like Physical Education. I hate PE. This is the last bit of education I would take. I recognize that I need to stay fit, but I just don’t care for PE. Maybe it’s my personality. Maybe it was because of the jerks in Grade 8. Maybe it’s both, but Phys Ed is just not my cup of tea, especially since I don’t like tea.
So what else is new in Writers life? Well, nothing. I just felt like posting before I go to school. I also got the Animatrix on DVD. If you thought the Matrix trilogy was confusing. Take a look at this thing. It is freaking weird. My dad dosn’t believe that we actually bought it.
Kay. See ya. Defenetly going to be a post tomorrow.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Summer in review

School is two days away and looking back on the summer I have no real good memories. I read some good books. I got several new books. I have a new desk. I went to the cottage once, that's it. Last summer we went to the South West, that was memorable. This summer, I feel that it could have been more. I'm kind of disapointed.
I don't know what I was expecting. I don't think I was expecting anything. I was hoping that their would be great and magnificent Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. I had one all set up too. And I havn't got a chance to call any of my freinds over this summer. What I need is a Dungeons and Dragons date. A specific time were I can get the people interested to come over to my place to play Dungeons and Dragons, or any other role-playing game.
Maybe I'm a little nervous about school. This first semester shouldn't be all bad. First period isn't going to be much fun, just something on healthy living that I have to do to pass. Then I do Art, and Art is always fun. Then there's Lunch, followed by spare and finally English. For the most part this is a good deal for me. I like Art and English and Healthy Living is first thing in the morning so I can get that out of the way.
I also failed in one regard. I didn't complete my first guide to Mythania. I planned on working on that this summer and I havn't got it down. Maybe I should start know. I'm not sure how to start though. The best I can think of is just starting on Pancheya and all the various countries and working my way through Saranold and The Hub and the outerworlds. I'd probubly also work on a chapter dedicated to all the sentient races in Mythania all in alphabetical order, and their are alot of them. I would also have a picture of a male and female of each species (except for the draan because they have three genders, and maybe a few others. The ragondra and their ilke may have no gender as we humans understand). Then I don't know what else to do beyond making breid write ups of the various religions and philosophies of Mythania and then a history.
Maybe I should write an introduction, about what I feel Mythania means. What does Mythania mean? Well, it is basically my idea of a perfect world, the Commonwealth at least. In the Commonwealth, people of all kinds of racial, religious and territorial bounderies get along and work for the betterment of sentient life. Sure you got a bunch of aggressers from the Council of Nine and the Saranoldi Empire and that third force I havn't worked out yet. But for the most part the Commonwealth has existed in peace for most of it's history. Many people within the Commonwealth would probubly look upon our world with disdain. The draan would definetly look down on Bush. They'd be fasinated to make contact, since their are a few schools of philospophy in Mythania fasinated with ancient h'mans, which is basically what we are. Their arn't any real humans in Mythania, they died out at the end of the Second Age or evolved into different species such as the Talortreal, Aedonite, Saranoldi and Tribesmen. The legacy of the h'man is seen across most of Mythania, including these fragment races and races like the Nyhib'ru, who claim that their faith was given to them by an ancient h'man tribe. (It was. The Nyhib'ru are basically avian Jews, besides the fact that the Church is run by females it's almost identical). Well, that's enough on my Mythania rant. I will stop know.
Also, I seem to be better at posting when I'm at the Library for some reason. Don't ask me why? I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I just feel like I want to post and I just so happen to be at the library. The world is an odd place.