Tuesday, February 20, 2007

They're both idiots

So I was thinking why do we have two parties? In both America and Canada, there are two parties, the left and the right, the Democrats and the Republicans, the Liberals and the Conservatives. Sure, there are a bunch of other parties, but for the most part it's just these two. Why is this? Why don't we have three major parties, or seven major parties? Why just two?
I don't think it's a good idea we have here for only having two parties. From what I've been able to tell from these parties, it's basically choosing the lesser of two evils. Take the last election we had in Canada. There was a whole bunch of stuff about the Liberals being corrupt and how Paul Martin was doing something bad I don't remember, and so know the Conservatives run the country. I find this a problem because I don't agree with Conservative goals, for instance I am pro gay marriage and anti-Bush. It's probably a sign of my times that I automatically equate conservative with fascism. It's probably a mistake on my part. Liberals are just as likely to become fascists, except then there called communists.
So basically, it seems to me that all these parties really do in there advertisements is insult each other. This isn't nice. If that's all they can come up with then we shouldn't vote for either of them. They should be sent into a corner for a time out for insulting each other. What I would like to see is a fight breaking out in Parliament because a member of the Liberal party got his parking space stolen from a member of the Conservative party. Seeing politicians really act like children would be endlessly amusing to me, just so I can point out to everyone how I was right and they are all a bunch of children.
So, how would a bunch more political parties work. Well, maybe it wouldn't, but we need to get more options out. We're basically trapped between a rock and a hard place when it comes to politics. We're practically a step away from the People's Republic of China. I don't think this whole two waring factions thing is going to work out. I don't know what we should do.
You want to know what I want to do? I want to get of the ride. Don't worry, this isn't the suicide talk, I don't want to die. I just don't want to live in a world were I have to put up with a bunch of people who I don't trust trying to control my life. Shit, now I'm all sad. I'm signing off. I'm just voting NDP.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Be careful what you eat and my Lost theory

Good news, I have Internet access on one of the home computers. So I can blog from the comfort of my own home. So now I will tell you what has been going on in my life that is worth talking about.
First, a bag of Valentine's chocolate cookie things. I found a bag of them beside the computer. So naturally I took some. They were pretty good, but then I read the instructions and it sounded like it was an aphrodisiac or something. I asked Dad about it and he said that all aphrodisiacs are placebos. I suppose this is good because I'm not sure I should take aphrodisiacs.
In more important news, I have a new theory for Lost. My theory isn't going to be much, just a simple prediction. By the end of the series, everyone will have died. I'm just getting this in. So far while I've watched they've killed of Ana Lucia, Ecko and there is a good chane Charlie is going to die. There's also Michael who betrayed the Jack, Kate and Sawyer. He didn't die but he did go away so him and his son Walt are out of the picture. Oh, and there was Hurley's girlfreind. I forgot about her. And a few Others, but there just annoying because they don't tell you anything and you know they got some bad stuff going on, but there not going to tell you and it's all really Clockwork Orange. And don't get me started on the Polar Bears.
So, that's about it. There are more things, but I got distracted by the internet and must now go to Bed. Tomorrow, stuff about some way cool movies from the Giant Squid. (I.E. Dead Man and The Big Lebowski) Both are great. Go see them. Study them carefully.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day and a near encounter with Tabacco Industry Lizards that left me questioing my sanity

Happy Valentine's day everyone, the day when we celebrate how frustrating relationships are, except for those of us who don't have relationships. We just think about how we're so lonely.
School is becoming more and more frustrating. I beg for assistance. Steph, please send an army of vikings to liberate me from the School Board. I'd join you in Norway myself, but I have plans here and I would hate to be a third wheel. I suppose I can just dream of having an apartment in Toronto some day, where I can just sit in front of a window and write my novels. Steppenwolf playing in the background. Surrounded by my vast collection of books.
So, anyway, another thing that happened at school was some kids came dressed as representatives of Big Tobacco Industries. They were dressed in business suits and sunglasses. It was one of those things that keeps kids from smocking cigarettes. The thought that went through my mind was. There Lizards. Like in my mythology. They looked exactly like I think the Lizards would dress if they took human form. So for the rest of my day, I went into a weird paranoid way about the Lizards. I was taking it so literally I thought, hey do I actually believe this?
Thinking about it know, I'm pretty certain I don't. I was just playing at living in my fantasy world, which helps me get through the day. If I really believed it, I'd be smart enough to keep my mouth shut about the whole thing because the Lizards would have me re-educated and turned into a Sub-human for there army. This makes me feel better, since I don't want to go crazy until I have written a few more novels.
Computers at home still won't work, so I'm at the Library. I plan on getting some stuff for the conspiracy theory world I'm working on. Mainly stuff on Christian heresies. The weather sure hasn't been helpful. The snow came down like crazy last night. It's like the North pole here, without the global warming I might add. It's crazy.
Ah, well, that's all I can think off. I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pre-Valentine's Blues

So that job at the Rogers Video I told you about isn't going to happen. Turns out they thought it was a co-op placement and I'll be getting that at the museum. I suppose it's for the best, Rogers is to much of a chain store.
So Valentine's day is coming up. This always highlights my isolation from everyone. I'm not going into to much detail, since I'm not in a mood to post some of my deeper thoughts on the internet. I'm also feeling isolated from my parents. I just don't think I can talk to them anymore. They'd probubly say that I can always talk to them, but I don't want to. Shit, know I feel all lonely again. sigh.
Anyway, that's about it. Computer still dosn't work. Can't think of anything else to say. Bye

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Savage and Possibly Frightening Voyage into my Imagination

I've got homework. I've got to write up a thing on Employment Insurance (Canadian Unemployment Insurance), write up this thing in Writer's Craft, and then I have to do a thing on Mythania. It involves making a map of the Aethean Sea, as well as getting a bunch of things on creating worlds for creating fantasy worlds. Shouldn't be so hard, as I have a few links already. Oh right, they're on the computer that doesn't work anymore. Ah well, it still won't be to hard. That and I have to potentially write up a bunch of stuff for it. I suppose just a brief description of it would be fine. Then there's the time period I have to choose. I figure around 100 CSY, which should be around 250 in the calendar I just made up for this religious brotherhood that took over what was left of the Anoran Empire.
On other notes, I'm putting away at the novel. For the most part all I've written are a bunch of conversations between Naos and Helen. There are a few other things that are going on, but it seems to mostly be Naos and Helen recalling memories of stuff. I suppose that is good, since I believe, or at least hope, they reveal a lot of stuff about the characters. I'm also trying to come up with a bunch of quotes to begin each section. So far I just got a bunch of song lyrics and a bit of William Blake. I'm also thinking about making a soundtrack for the book, so I can get the right idea of the world. I worked on it before I came here, to the public library, that's were I am at the moment by the way. Figured I'd come over here and see if I can't find some Bob Dylan, since he's one of the artists I closely associate with Naos. Then maybe I'll see if they have the soundtrack for Easy Rider. I don't know if they do, but I figure it will help with the first Act. I've separated the novel into five acts, act five acting more as an epilogue. The titles of these acts are as follows.
Act One, On the Road in the Former United States of America
Act Two, Say you want a Revolution
Act Three, Fear and Loathing on the Material Plane
Act Four, The Enlightenment of Naos Ben-David
Act Five, N/A,
I still have to think this one up. I was thinking of "God's Mercy on you swine," but I already have a reference to Hunter S. Thompson. I may just use that as a quote.
I'm also thinking of putting an intermission of some sort in after Act Two or half way through Act Three. Or maybe I could have a bunch of intermissions. Three, let's say. One at the end of act One, another at the end of Act Two, and another in the middle of Act Three. After that the plot begins to get really fast pas and I don't think there should be any intermissions, except for maybe something that says "There will be no more intermissions," only more dark and not as direct. This will be right before Act Four.
On another note, I'm working on what I hope to be the first story of my "Song of the 60's," story ark. The working title is "How Sophia Campion and Daniel Taylor avoided the Loony Bin and Tuned in, Turned off and Dropped Out," or something long like that. It basically deals with how two of the characters got involved in the big thing that happens and begin there voyage to San Fransisco.
I haven't really explained Song of the 60's yet. Well, it's basically a thing I wanted to write in more or less the same vein as Lost. I've been really interested in the 60's and I thought it would be an interesting place to write about. Off course, since it's me, it's going to involve an ancient conspiracy, interdemensional travel, a battle between the forces of good and evil, and my mythology. Off course, considering that this is the 1960's were talking about, it's probably not that strange to have an immortal Sufi-Warrior Mystic, a trio of prophets based on the Marx Brothers (sans Zeppo), and Naos walking around the place.
How is this going to be like Lost? Well, I plan on having back stories for all the characters that run into each other. Since there are going to be a very wide cast of characters, including various historical characters such as inhabitants of this time period (Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey and Hunter S. Thompson will all play roles of some kind as well as anyone else who seems appropriate), and a few who don't but could probably fit easily in. For instance characters like William Blake, Jesus Christ, Alastair Crowley (who's spirit has been trapped in a pickle jar since his death and is used as a scrying device), Emperor Norton the First, H.P. Lovecraft and a whole host of Sufis, Troubadours, Cathars, Knights Templar and other such individuals. And, this is a recent development, they are all connected in some way. For instance, one of the characters descendants met H.P. Lovecraft in an incident with the Necronomicon, another character is reading a book on by Joseph Keating (A British Professor Ala Tolkien), who in tern is trying to figure out this conspiracy that's coming in around him and what to do with these weird crystal stick thing (That incidentally belongs to a changeling sorcerer who is currently on his way to San Fransisco wondering what happened to the past twenty years of his life and why he's in America to begin with). Also, in an earlier flashback, Joseph Keating has memories of sitting in the trenches of World War One with an Arab chap with a sword who saved his life. Well, this Arab chap happened to be Are'do Muhammad Islam, the above mentioned Immortal Sufi-Warrior Mystic, who during a trip to Damascus after WWII would find a naked man who, well that's giving away to much.
I may just try making this into a series. I think the CBC might take it, or if that doesn't work, maybe Showcase or Bravo would be interesting in putting up a potentially controversial and genre bending series. Well, I better be going now. Time is running out on the computer.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A post that I think is the first for Feburary 2007 that ends suddenly

I'm writing this at the public library. Why I'm telling you this I have no idea, but I feel you need to now. My usual computer is being naughty and won't let me go on the Internet, and the other one I just down right hate because it's to slow. Oh, Steph, this is for you, I probubly can't get to you anytime soon because of this. I'll be calling relatives in to fix it as soon as possible. So, I came to the library and am now writing it from here. I'm feeling that this is going to be a stream of consciousness post, because I seem to be in that mood.
So, today I met with the Employment Specialist, you know, the one from LEADS, the government organization that helps aspies get jobs. Well, it looks like I'll be getting a job at the local Rogers. The basic idea is for me to stock shelves and help people find movies. Shouldn't be to hard.
So, just after the Employment Specialist left, I joined a conversation with some local kids from my school. They seem like really nice people and I've had minor encounters with them before. The conversation was mainly about artistic stuff, and creating worlds. I didn't bring up Mythania, which I probubly should have. I really liked hanging out with them, if only for the conversation was interesting and I liked the way they dress. Don't really know how to describe it, I think the male one called the style "Fashion Whore," which I think means being a slave to a certain style of fashion. I think I may have that, though I don't seem to go for the style they go for. I really should try and describe it sometime, it would make a good writing practise.
So, I am now in a new semester. Here is what I am taking...
  • English, Writer's Craft, A class were I get to write and stuff like that. I havn't written anything of great importance, but I do plan on bringing my novel in sometime to show off. Kind of to say "Look at me, I'm writing a novel."
  • History Renaissaunce to modern era, Also fun, we're learning about the Renaissaunce. We saw a movie on the Medici family, which basically funded the Renaissaunce. The one guy, Cosimo de Medici glowered at the camera for the entire movie. "I'm Cosimo de Medici. Grr."
  • Co-op, I get a job without pay, but with experience. It looks like I'll be working at a local museaum, which should be kind of fun. This cource is two periods long.
So, that's about it, except for a list I just thought off. It's basically all the traits I would like to have from other writers. There are other aspects of these writers, mostly style, but I'll put other things on the list. These are just the important things.
  1. The Wit of Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde is really cool, and I'd like to be able to go to parties and just be generally witty. I think I have some degree of wit already, and I'd like to work it into my writing. I'll have to think about it.
  2. The Cult Status of Michael Moorcock, I only heard about Michael Moorcock in the past few years. As far as I'm concerned that is part of what make's him so cool, that and his books are some of the best fantasy I have ever read. That and nearly all the books I own from him are out of print things I found in used book stores, and I'd really like to be one of those writers you can only find in used bookstores because that's were all the cool ones are.
  3. The Mystical-Spiritual Leanings of William Blake, I'd like to write stuff that is really profound, kind of surreal and dosn't make that much sense. Again, this is a problem because the majority of my work at the moment seems to be leaning towards prose and when your dealing with philosophy in prose you have to be careful not to make it seem to much of a social commentary. I guess I could read some Ayn Rand and see how she worked her philosophy into her novels, and if it gets the effect I want I'll use that style. Mind you, I have a few problems with Ayn Rand and Objectivism which I will not go into at this moment.
  4. The female-fan base of Neil Gaiman, Now, this may be all speculation on my part, but I have picked up that there is a strong female fan base for Neil Gaiman. I don't know if he actually got writer groupies, or if this is just a delusion me and several other teenage males who desire to be fiction writers dream off, but either way, if it does lead to something like that
  5. The Weirdness Factor of Grant Morrison, I have yet to read The Invisibles, but I swear to God I will buy every copy. I've read the thing on it on Wikipedia and it sounds immensilly weird and cool, and just the sort of thing I would like to write. I don't know if I'd actually believe the crazyness I write, which Grant Morrison does, but I would still write crazy cool stuff like that.
  6. The Stephen-Kingness of Stephen King, I don't know what it is, but I want to write something like the Dark Tower series and something like The Stand. I don't know what it is, but everything I've read by him I like.