Saturday, September 02, 2006

Summer in review

School is two days away and looking back on the summer I have no real good memories. I read some good books. I got several new books. I have a new desk. I went to the cottage once, that's it. Last summer we went to the South West, that was memorable. This summer, I feel that it could have been more. I'm kind of disapointed.
I don't know what I was expecting. I don't think I was expecting anything. I was hoping that their would be great and magnificent Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. I had one all set up too. And I havn't got a chance to call any of my freinds over this summer. What I need is a Dungeons and Dragons date. A specific time were I can get the people interested to come over to my place to play Dungeons and Dragons, or any other role-playing game.
Maybe I'm a little nervous about school. This first semester shouldn't be all bad. First period isn't going to be much fun, just something on healthy living that I have to do to pass. Then I do Art, and Art is always fun. Then there's Lunch, followed by spare and finally English. For the most part this is a good deal for me. I like Art and English and Healthy Living is first thing in the morning so I can get that out of the way.
I also failed in one regard. I didn't complete my first guide to Mythania. I planned on working on that this summer and I havn't got it down. Maybe I should start know. I'm not sure how to start though. The best I can think of is just starting on Pancheya and all the various countries and working my way through Saranold and The Hub and the outerworlds. I'd probubly also work on a chapter dedicated to all the sentient races in Mythania all in alphabetical order, and their are alot of them. I would also have a picture of a male and female of each species (except for the draan because they have three genders, and maybe a few others. The ragondra and their ilke may have no gender as we humans understand). Then I don't know what else to do beyond making breid write ups of the various religions and philosophies of Mythania and then a history.
Maybe I should write an introduction, about what I feel Mythania means. What does Mythania mean? Well, it is basically my idea of a perfect world, the Commonwealth at least. In the Commonwealth, people of all kinds of racial, religious and territorial bounderies get along and work for the betterment of sentient life. Sure you got a bunch of aggressers from the Council of Nine and the Saranoldi Empire and that third force I havn't worked out yet. But for the most part the Commonwealth has existed in peace for most of it's history. Many people within the Commonwealth would probubly look upon our world with disdain. The draan would definetly look down on Bush. They'd be fasinated to make contact, since their are a few schools of philospophy in Mythania fasinated with ancient h'mans, which is basically what we are. Their arn't any real humans in Mythania, they died out at the end of the Second Age or evolved into different species such as the Talortreal, Aedonite, Saranoldi and Tribesmen. The legacy of the h'man is seen across most of Mythania, including these fragment races and races like the Nyhib'ru, who claim that their faith was given to them by an ancient h'man tribe. (It was. The Nyhib'ru are basically avian Jews, besides the fact that the Church is run by females it's almost identical). Well, that's enough on my Mythania rant. I will stop know.
Also, I seem to be better at posting when I'm at the Library for some reason. Don't ask me why? I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I just feel like I want to post and I just so happen to be at the library. The world is an odd place.


Steph said...

In my experience, summer's get less and less exciting, the older you get. Guess that's pessimistic, but I don't mean it to be.

And I can understand that bit about posting at the library. I don't post anywhere else, but when I'm at Barnes & Noble it always makes me feel like writing. Funny old world, isn't it? Hehe.

Dylan said...

Maybe it has something to do with books?

Steph said...

I thought that too. Could be.