Monday, September 04, 2006

Final Day of Summer

Remember the Crocodile Hunter? Guy on the discovery channel, born in Australia. Says crinky a lot. Comedians made jokes about him getting really close to animals and picking them up and talking about how it’s a wonder he wasn’t killed by one. Well, it looks as if the comedians have predicted his death, because Steve Irwin was killed today by a Stingray near the Great Barrier Reef. I was wondering what happened to him myself, recently. So long Steve Irwin. So long.
So, back to my life. Tomorrow I go back to school. Somebody cue the music they play on the trumpet when someone dies. I don’t here anything. Aw forget it. You get the idea. As I have explained in my last post. I have some good classes lined up, but I don’t particularly like the idea of having to do anything remotely like Physical Education. I hate PE. This is the last bit of education I would take. I recognize that I need to stay fit, but I just don’t care for PE. Maybe it’s my personality. Maybe it was because of the jerks in Grade 8. Maybe it’s both, but Phys Ed is just not my cup of tea, especially since I don’t like tea.
So what else is new in Writers life? Well, nothing. I just felt like posting before I go to school. I also got the Animatrix on DVD. If you thought the Matrix trilogy was confusing. Take a look at this thing. It is freaking weird. My dad dosn’t believe that we actually bought it.
Kay. See ya. Defenetly going to be a post tomorrow.

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