Wednesday, April 20, 2005

School Assemby, The Environment, Stalin's Moustache and Bishop Sparky

I really hate going to school assemblies, because I don’t like being in a large room of people. Today was worse because they were doing an environment thing and they turned the lights out as a symbol of the black out that happened awhile ago. Well some jerks started shrieking like they were demons from hell or something. I wasn’t in a good feeling at the moment so I started slapping my legs. I was in a bad mood for the rest of the assembly.
The rest of the assembly was basically how to save the environment, but it scarred me that the world could be really screwed up by the end of the century. What I would really like would be to live on a planet uninhabited by sentient life were no one would screw up anything and everybody would leave me alone.
We are making WWII propaganda posters in history and I’m doing mine as a bit of a political cartoon. I drew Stalin as a bear. I had to get a picture of him and I imagine that the political cartoonists must have hade a field day with this guy because he has this great big moustache.
In an update on my imaginary fantasy world of conspiracy theories, alien empires and fantasy creatures we have a new alien. He is a member of an alien empire called the Orashan Church. The Orashan are a race of spiky-reptilian humanoids and the name of their dominant religion. They follow a religion based on the teachings of the God-Prophet, who is this sort of mystical figure who is almost as ancient as the Orashan species. The Orashan Church has been capable of space-travel for over two thousand years, but they mostly steal technology from other species and haven’t made any real technological break thru in over nine hundred years. The teachings are unknown to me as of yet, because the High Priest seems to refer to us all as heathens, except for Naous who he called a "hideous demon, servant of chaos and the Evil One-incarnate," because the Orashan religion is against the Alavallan.
So far we have the High Priest, all his troops and servants died in the crash trying to secure him and he has no one to order around, which appears to be something he has had no previous experience in , so he is yelling orders at us. He calls himself Bishop Umajauqe and has so far discredited all Earth religions as pagans and is trying to get out and convert the heathens. We are keeping him in custody so he won’t destroy humanity’s cultural uniqueness. We have nicknamed him Sparky.
This is what happened to me today, real or otherwise.

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