Saturday, May 14, 2005

The working plot of Mythania 1

On my last post, Steph asked what the plot to the Mythania novel is. Well, I have thought about this novel for awhile, and this is how I see the plot so far.
Mythania is a world similar to Tolkein’s Middle Earth, but I have taken elements from Frank Herbert’s Dune series and the species are not what you would traditionally find in a fantasy universe. I used to have Elves and Dwarves and talking animals in Mythania, but I got rid of them because they clashed with some of the created species I made up, like the draan.

I believe that the creatures in Mythania are inspired more by Farscape then anything else. I love the premise of Farscape. Also, I have noticed that creating species in fantasy seems to be a large no-no in the fantasy genre. There are a few examples, but for the most part you just have the species layed down by Tolkein, and there is no reason to use different species. Some may say that some of the species are derived from other sources, and I can say that they probably, and in some cases are.

And now to the plot.

The story starts three thousand years before the main events during the story. The draan (who are the equivalent of Tolkein’s Elves) and the ragondra (my concept of evil embodied), are preparing for the final battle. The draan are able to banish the ragondra into another continuum and leave the mainland.
More than Three thousand years later, the Aethyran Ocean, a large inland sea that was once ruled over by the draan, is split into four major powers. The Talortreal Confederacy(a race of beings that look identical to humans, and were the former soldiers of the draan) and the Hurgolanimm Alliance ( An alliance between the Tawazee and the Elayren species) inhabits the north. In the West live the corrupt Amoran Empire (Run by the Cronullaban, who are descended from the draan, but distantly). In the East and South are the Korling (A species of the same stock as the Draan and Cronullaban).
The Amoran Empire is preparing a final attack on the Korling, who are the only thing keeping them from the conquest of the Talortreal Confederacy and the Hurgolanimm Alliance.
Beyond the mountain ranges of the Confederacy, however, is the city state of New Babylon. The inhabitants are the Dylisanite, a race of humanoids created from the genetic stock of a now extinct species called h’mans (Yes, I put humans in Mythania. But they’re extinct by this time) and with added genetic material from the draan and talortreal. Each Dylisanite poses both genetic memories going back to the times before the draan species and mental abilities equal to that of the draan and ragondra. The Dylisanite are only vaguely aware of what is going on beyond their homeland, but fear what would happen if the other worlds discovered them, so they remain in hiding. The Dylisanite are positive that they did not evolve naturally and they wonder greatly on where they came from.
Meanwhile, the ragondra escape from their extra-dimensional prison. However, only a few months have gone by in their prison and they find themselves in a new environment, without the draan to destroy them. They begin undermining the governments of the Aethyran Ocean. However, they soon find this difficult to do accomplish because of the fact a secret war is being raged against them by an organization only known as the Doradane.
Alexander and Raphech discover that this is going on, and begin a desperate quest to find the draan. Florana remains in the Athyran Ocean with allies from major religions to begin a holy war against the ragondra, who are becoming a growing force behind the Amoran Empire.
As the story goes on, Alexander learns of his species relationship with the Doradane and their creation and a great deal about himself.
That is the story basically. I hope on making Mythania a series, and I truly believe that this story is going to be placed on the same lines as Lord of the Rings and Dune.


Steph said...

Wow... I can't think of anything else to say to that but simply, "wow".

Dylan said...

thank you

Dylan said...

At the least I plan on making it series of ten books.