Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Hitchhiker's Movie

Well, it took some convincing of my parents, but I was able to get to see the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy movie. I would say that it was good for what it was, and I’m glad it wasn’t a complete insult to the book. It was disappointing in some places, but the jokes were good. I especially liked the Dolphin song and the references to the British series (i.e., the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy theme from the series, TV Marvin’s cameo). The actors who played the characters did them very well, in my opinion. I also liked that Jim Henson Creature Shop did most of the aliens. I’m a big fan of Farscape, and they did the aliens from that.


Dylan said...

Sorry. It was my mom's idea that I go. She cares about my reputation as a geek, and something called my "So-shal Lyf," I'm not sure I'm spelling this right.

Anonymous said...

This is Writer's mom. I do care about him. He is the one person in my life that makes me laugh every day. I do not think he is a geek!!!!! I think he often sees the world the way the rest of us are supposed to but are too oblivious and into ourselves to notice and I like that he asks the hard questions. On the other hand, I am his mother and sometimes he can be a real "weinee." Ha! Ha! Ha!

Dylan said...


Steph said...

*laughs* For what it's worth, I don't think he's a geek either, but I don't know him very well either, so I suppose my words don't have to much weight to them.

Dylan said...

I'm not ashamed I'm a geek. I like being a geek. It's better then being a football jock in my books anyways.

Steph said...

I happen to agree with you, but I'd would rather not associate myself with any one stereotype. I'm certainly a geek in many ways, but many other things too.

Dylan said...

I just find myself a geek more then anything else.