Thursday, May 26, 2005

Happy TIAH Anniversary's Eve

Well, tomorrow the Alternate History Academy will be having their first anniversary. It was little over a year ago the Academy opened up under Robert Taylor. Thru his research we have discovered several alternate time lines. Here is a list.
  • The Mlosh timeline, split from our time in the 1700's when the Mlosh, an alien races that I understand look like silver skinned elves with tentacles for hair and antenna. This timeline has technology advanced beyond ours including space travel. The Alternate History Academy has released a text talking about the Human League, an anti-Mlosh terrorist organization in the 1800's called "Warp,"Information on this is sketchy, being that the information about it stops in 1910.
  • The Greater Zionist Resistance Timeline This is a controversial timeline in origins. It may be that the authorities have covered up the fact that in 1969, Neo-nazis helped to finance a time machine to go back in time to create a real Jewish conspiracy. They were able to create a new timeline, but there Jewish conspiracy soon blossomed into the G.Z.R
  • The Chinese Empire Timeline, In this timeline, the Monarchy of the Chinese Empire survived and gained control of most of the world. They have made contact with alien life and have atomic weaponry. Recently it has adopted democracy because of contact with the Chdo democracy.
  • The Pete Best Timeline, is not that different from ours really. The main difference is that the Beatles (known as the Silver Beatles in that timeline) never really got of the ground. Pete Best, who used to drum for the Beatles was able to go on to great success. Other bands such as the Rolling Stones(Gathering Moss) and The Doors(The Presence) are also there.
  • The Soviet States of America Timeline, this is a Communist America. It is very similar to this America, only it’s Communist. Apparently Karl Marx went over to the USA and a communist move kicked of. Walt Whitman was Comrade President. Richard Nixon has yet to comment, in any timeline.
  • The Holy British Empire Timeline, The British Empire became a Catholic Theocracy and controlled practically all of the world. It has recently collapsed, because it became corrupted and the Resurrected Christ came. She is currently bringing a golden age to Earth.
  • The Martian Invasion Timeline, In this one Marsians invade Earth. We win.
  • The Dreamtime Timeline, In this one, Aborigines in Australia make contact with a giant space spider thing that gives them the ability of Space Travel. The contact with this one is kind of sketchy, and we don't here a lot about it much.
  • The Speaker Timeline, this is about a secret society that began long ago in prehistoric times when Telka the Speaker decided to go to the Stars. It is considered that the information about this from a timeline where someone figured out that this was going on. So there could be members of Telka the Speaker reading this right know.
  • Richard Tolman, a British Scientist who discovered the secrets of travelling across space, time and dimension. His taste in scarves is as of yet unknown. He is currently returned to his usual non-time travelling life.
  • And Finally WWIII, this is basically the same as WWII, except Hitler is a guy called Ralph Shepard. Germany is America. Japan is South Africa. America is England. England is Egypt. The Soviet Union is China and it takes place around the 1980's. The events are the same daily, so I don’t know why everyone hasn’t clued in yet.

So, happy Anniversary This Day In Alternate History.


Dylan said...

How many times has this happened to your patriarcal civilization? Your messiah turns out to be a girl.

Anonymous said...

Times are changing, hopefully for the better. As society progresses, hopefully we can begin to alleviate stereotypes that we place on each other. Then again, since we are talking about alternative timelines, maybe our technology progresses quicker than our common sense, like alien characters in many sci-fi novels suggest it will, and we all kill each other before because how stupid we are acting.

Sorry for the random tangent. These are just the thoughts that you post evoked within my mind.

By the way, if you haven't read Da Vinci Code yet, you should. If you have, what did you think of the novel's themes?

Anonymous said...

Editing error in the last post... it should be

"we all kill each other before we realize how stupid we are acting."

and not

"we all kill each other before because how stupid we are acting."

Ugg. What is this nonsense of mine?

Dylan said...

Thank you. And I have read the Da Vinci Code