Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ara-Do Mahmoud, A breif bio

Name: Ara-Do Mahmoud
Species: Jinn
Age: over 60'000 years
Occupation: Protector of Humanity, over the years has picked up numerous skills

Ara-Do began life in the Jinn revolution against God. During a disastrous first battle against God, the Jinn military was spread across the multiverse. Ara-Do, while not a major figure in the revolution was cursed to be the guardian of a new species called humans. Because of Ara-Do’s new duties he was given immortality as long as humanity exists.
Because of his immortality, Ara-Do soon developed an overly suicidal tendency. At one time he attempted to whip humanity out, but was unable to kill a single one. He eventually decided to hide out in a cave in Arabia. He remained their fore a century before he was met by a human wandering around in the desert. The man was the Prophet Muhammad. Ara-Do listened to Muhammad and soon converted to Islam. He began his duty to protect the human race.
Ara-Do Mahmoud began studying with martial arts and regular meditation. While he rarely got updates from God, he made attempts to make sure humanity from destroying itself or being destroyed from supernatural forces.

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