Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Communist Smurfs

Once, as a joke, I made up an imaginary scenario were Ralph was trying to figure out if Smurfs were communists. He managed to incite a bit of conflict by kidnapping their Leader, and we ended up starting a year-long conflict which was ended when Ralph finally agreeing to stop catching the Smurfs.
The Communist Smurfs I imagined are unknown to use as of yet in society, but they have domesticated crows which they used to attack Ralph and me. Their style is an ineffective Kamikaze charge (which we later discovered was because they were just lousy pilots). Because of construction near their village, they are moving in with us.
I decided to do a search on Communist Smurfs and I discovered that there is over four thousand sites. I was not aware of this, so I’m posting links to some of the web sites.


Steph said...

Hmm..ok, first of all I found this amusing. Secondly, I'm curious about you think of communism?

Dylan said...

I have mixed feelings. I'm all for the bit with free medical coverage and equality and stuff, but I'm against the "Religion being the opium of the masses," bit.

Steph said...

I've thought about it a few times (and I read a series of books that kind of deal with it, The Sword of Truth series, by Terry Goodkind, you should check it out, I think you'd like it) But anyways, I've come to the conclusion that ideally it would be perfect for everyone, but realistically it's a bad choice. People like the sound of Communism because it appeals to what they want, which would be equality for everyone, but don't realize that it's impossible. What do you think?

Dylan said...

I don't think that communism is impossible, it's just that humans arn't smart enough to go along with it. I decined a socialist government for one of mt fictonal universes called The Mythanian Commonwealth of United Species, which is similar to communism, but is really more like a socialist republic-alliance.

Steph said...

But that's just it. You designed it in one of the worlds you created. You don't have to worry about circumstances in those worlds because you can make them up. Any conflicts that arise are your own creation. Heaven, if it exists, is Communist. That's because it's a utopia where everyone is equal and worships God, etc... But if you try to make everyone equal in real life and destroy capitalism and such, what you end up doing is short-changing some people for the benefit of others. That's not equality; that's charity.

Dylan said...

I'm sorry if I offended you. I just don't think humanity can live in that kind of society until we get ride of our tribal behaviour and greed. However, we will have to stop being human for that to work.

Steph said...

You didn't offend me at all. I'm just debating. I like friendly debates. :) But you're right, communism can't work because humans have flaws.

Dylan said...

I may work on changing those flaws in my future history over an extended period of time. The only problem is that I may eventually have to stop somewere because they won't neccisarily be relatable to us as a species.

If it's not to much trouble, tell me we are debating next time. It's an Aspergers thing.

Funny, that we ended up debating about a smurf post.

Hey, weren't we agreed on the point. That sort of goes against the whole debate point.

Steph said...

We agreed on some things, and disagreed on other. And I did think about the Aspergers for a minute when I was typing out some of that stuff, but decided not to point it out. I will in the future though. :)

Dylan said...

Thank you