Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Well, today was my last day of grade 10, not including exams. To celebrate, my mom is making spaghetti. I wanted to go out for supper, but my mom doesn’t want to because Delila isn’t here. We will be going out for Friday however. So I hope we aren’t going to eat at McDonald’s or anything like that.
Well, what do I have to say?. I found a web site that has some good information on D&D, this stuff is taken out of the books. I printed of a few things on classes I’m into. I’ll set up some links for you guys.

Well, as I said, I still have exams. I’m pretty confident about them. I was allowed a cheat sheet in math and has basically every lesson I learned on it. I have a vague idea of what to expect in History and English, so I’m not worrying much about that.
After that it will be a trip to Colorado and through Republican infested territory, so I plan on shaving the scruffy beard I am growing so I don’t look to much like a hippie. I won’t be able to make any posts for awhile, but I will keep a log of things that happened on my trip.

Alright, I have no idea what else to put in. Later.


Steph said...

Colorado, you say? You'll have to tell me all about because I really really wanna go out west some day.

And just so you know, I don't know what it is about guys, but everytime they mention that they have facial hair, it makes me very curious about what they look like, so combine with your comment that you have long hair, I am now very very curious. :P

Dylan said...

my "beard" is nothing much, I just plan on shaving it off some time before I go to Colorado because going there we will pass thru...(menacing music)...Texas(loud with echo). Which I don't mind much except I'm against the Bush administration, which may be difficult when passing thru his home state.

Steph said...


I doubt the beard would get you into any trouble though. It'd be pretty hard to "mark" hippies based off their facial hair, or lack thereof.

Dylan said...

I doubt that. The American government won't let Middle Eastern-Canadians past the boarder. The only reason that I would go past is that I'm white.

Dylan said...

No offence, That's just the way I see it.

Steph said...

Well what does being middle-eastern have to do with having facial hair? No offense, but I think you're trying to relate separate issues. Trouble in the middle-east has little or nothing to do with so-called hippies...

And it's difficult to get into the states at all anymore. Like, when I went to Quebec last summer. On the way there (we took a bus), I fell asleep, and when I woke up, we were in Canada. On the way back, I fell asleep, and got woke up in customs because one of the border people got on our bus and check to make sure everyone had a passport or birth certificate and drivers license.

Dylan said...

well, It made sence to me. Don't ask me why because I don't know.

Steph said...

Sorry if I offended you there. That wasn't my intent.

Dylan said...

I know. People rarely mean to insult me from what I understand.

Steph said...

But if you're still offended, regardless of the intent, then an apology helps.

Dylan said...

Okay. I'm not sure if I got that, let's end our conversation here and I'll mull that over a bit.