Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hey, Remember "If I Had An Otherland Account," and my crazy sister's birthday is the day that is today

Okay, first off, my sister (who for all intensive reasons will be called Delila) is now Thirteen. She told me to write this down on my blog least she reck havoc to dastardly to convey.
Anyway, I have a few new ideas for "If I Had An Otherland Account,". I know I haven’t done that in awhile, and I don’t know if you remember it, so I’ll just write down my new ideas.
  • The World of After Man, After Man is a book about what animals will look like in the future. It is a very interesting book and has all kinds of interesting pictures of animals. It would be pretty much the same size as Earth, or I may just have it as a bunch of isolated areas for specific environments. I would make a link to some pictures for you, but I can’t find anything.
  • Boys’ Own Adventure Mars, This is again another simulation from the Otherland network, but give me a break already. I have only read a bit of Edgar Rice Burrough’s A Princess of Mars, and I found it a little disappointing but since summer is coming I think I’ll bring it up with me to my Aunt and Uncle’s cottage. It’s basically going to be similar to any Pulp Fiction Mars world, except for British, American and Soviet colonists. Because I sympathies greatly with any native inhabitants of a colonized world, the various Marsian species will have equal if not more advanced technology then the humans.
  • C.S Lewis’ Solar System, You may not be aware of this, but C.S. Lewis wrote science fiction. His trilogy was based mainly around I guy called Ransom going to Mars and Venus and eventually some big coup that I have been meaning to read but have never been able to finish. I recommend it because it’s a very good trilogy. It won’t be a complete solar system and at the very most will end at Jupiter. Jupiter doesn’t really come in anywhere in the series it just made sense to me.
  • Forgotten Realms, This is the most popular campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons, mainly because of all the books and Dritz Do’Urden(God I hope I’m spelling that right). Since I’m into D&D know, I figure this would be a terrific new addition to my vast virtual reality multiverse, and the best part is, I don’t have to worry about which dice to use. It will work on automatic.
  • Golden Age, This is something of my own creation. It is a world with superheros that starts some time in the 20's. It’s not like the DC or Marvel universes as that there are negative consequences to the work of these Superheros, for instance the Psiserker, a Cree Superhero is considered a hero by First Nations peoples because of his rebellion against the Canadian government, but the Canadian Government had a few problems with him. I will be using this as a major timeline so expect some of my work out about the storyline.

There. I don’t know what else to say. Shalom.

Oh, wait. Here is the complete list of Worlds I Would Have If I Had An Otherland Account.

  1. Australian Dreamtime
  2. Boy’s Own Adventure Africa
  3. Boy’s Own Adventure Mars
  4. Brian Jacques’ Redwall
  5. C.S. Lewis’ Solar System
  6. Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Universe
  7. El Dorado
  8. Faerie
  9. Forgotten Realms
  10. Frank Herbert’s Dune Universe
  11. Golden Age
  12. Human University
  13. John Mandeville’s Orient
  14. Larry Niven’s Known Space
  15. Lemuria
  16. L. Frank Baum’s Wonderful World of Oz
  17. Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain
  18. My Future History
  19. My Hometown
  20. Mythania
  21. Robert A. Heinlein’s World
  22. Roman Empire
  23. Spider Robinson’s Callahan’s Place
  24. Terry Pratchett’s Discworld
  25. Tolkein’s Middle-Earth
  26. World of After Man
  27. World of Greek Mythology

Okay, know I'm done. Shalom for real.


Steph said...

You know, I've read this post twice, and it never actually sunk in that you said that your sister just turned thirteen. So Delila, Happy Birthday! :)

Dylan said...

I'll tell her you said that.