Friday, September 05, 2008

Home Again, Home Again. Jiggity-Jig

Well, I completed my first four days at University. I am back in my hometown in my favorite coffee house writing on my new laptop. On Monday I'll be back at Conrad Grebel, ready to actually start learning things. I'm looking forward to that very much, as I am also excited about signing up for the science fiction club and getting myself some posters.

Everyone here is pretty happy to see me. I dropped of a short story for one of my old English teachers, and she was pretty happy to get it. My parents told me that I should wait until later, but I went anyways and everyone there seemed pretty happy to see me and didn't bug me about coming because I'm not a student anymore. My family is also happy to see me, and I'm glad to be sleeping in a bed that dosn't feel like laying on a sheet of cardboard laying on a hard floor. Sure, the blankets and sheets where nice, but that's only because I brought them with me.
My Mom and I where thinking that it would be a good idea to pick up some more things for my room. For one thing, I don't have any belts and because I am a very skinny person I need belts to hold up my pants. Were also thinking about getting a plant, most likely a cactus, to liven up the room. My mom and I agree that a cactus is a good autistic plant because it dosn't need much care and attention and will sit in it's pot and do it's own thing, whatever that thing is that cacti do. Also, I'm low on Blueberry-Pomegrante Juice, so I should make sure we pick up some of that. Also, I'm thinking maybe I should bring a cople other books with me, like On the Road and Walden. I've been meaning to read more philosophy anyways, so why not read Thoreau? Also, at least half the reason I took the books I did was to make me look cool and intellectual(hence to Dostoyevsky), so I might through in my first volume of A la recherche de temps perdu, or Remembrence of Things Past (See, I used the French name first and I don't even speak French). Course, I'll probubly be to busy doing my courses and reading the Human Comedy to even think of tackling Proust.

Now, let us talk about a spectre that has been hanging over our lives for awhile. I speak of course of...

Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.

Since she walked out of the political north, she has captued my attention. At first I thought she was chosen as part of some Republican ploy to get women voters. For all I know that's what she is, but I still don't trust her. For one thing, she dosn't have much experience. I know that's what they say about Obama, and I'm going to say I'm an Obama supporter, but I'm pretty sure that Obama has at least some support of powerful wizards who want to heal America's soul and I think that is alot more important then most of the Republican's issues. Also, from what I here she dosn't even know what the Vice-President does. To be fair, so do I. All I know about the current Vice-President is that his theme song is the Imperial March from Star Wars and that he shot a guy in the face. Acording to Wikipedia, the responsibilities of the Vice-President of the United States are.
  1. To complete the term of the President if he is unable to continue his duties. (Not to much of a bad idea because McCain isn't exactly a spring chicken)
  2. To break ties in votes on the senate.
  3. Pretty much anything the President needs the V.P. to do.

So Sarah Palin, if your reading this and havn't figured it out yet, that's your duties. Also, I am against most of her stances. She is Pro-Life, except when it envolves capitol punishment, and believes creationism should be taught in school. She's also against same-sex marriages and dosn't think that same-sex couples should have health benefits. She also believes in absitence only sex-education, so far I don't know if there is any connection with that and her pregent daughter. Again, and this I got from my Mom, I don't think she should be running because of problems with her family. As I mentioned, her daughter is pregent, and she also has a child with Down Syndrome. My Mom believes that she has to much on her plate at the moment to even think about being McCain's back-up. I think my Mom has a point here.

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