Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Venting about Civics

Why do I put up with that stupid corse? Civics is for nationalist fools and those stupid enough to think political boarders can be seen from space. The school board is defiantly trying to brainwash me into a subservient nationalist drone. That’s all they want you know, drones to do their bidding. That’s all government’s are, tyrants and bureaucrats. Leaders are the worst aspects of humanity magnified, all power hungry worms. Well, they aren’t going to get me. I’m to smart for them. There all fools. One day anyone who thinks in political terms will be hospilitaized because it stupid. We are human and all equally inferior, you got that, were all worthless meat sacks. (I’m not suicidal, I’m just angry).
Sorry if I offended you. I'm just angry about school.

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