Friday, February 11, 2005

Alien Species of the Week: Kzinti

Creator: Larry Niven
Homeworld: Homeworld
Physiology and Evolution: The Kzinti evolved from plain dwelling cats that evolved to stand on two legs to see prey at a longer distance. They can easily grow up to eight feet and weigh two hundred pounds. They look similar to tigers except for frilly ears and rat like tails.
Psychology: They are incredibly violent. I mean Terminator-Barbarian Army-Gangsta violent. A Kzin will just as soon tear out your spine then look at you. There entire system is based on a Klingonesque style of honour.
Kzinti used to believe that their theme song was "Princes of the Universe," by Queen, but then they met humans.
Kzinti females are non-sentient
Culture Kzinti family structure is made up of fathers and their male decedents. Since females are non-sentient they are usually kept as property and pets.
The Kzinti government operates like feudal Earth. You got the Patriarch on the top, the ruling lords in the middle and all the unimportant guys on the bottom.
Unlike humans, who have their names given to them at birth. Kzin have to earn their names. First you start out with something like Speaker-to-Animals or Slaver-Student. Then you can get a partial name like Chuft-Captain.
Kzinti are also capable of telepathy, but to get this power they must regularly take a drug from the sthondat lymph. This is a disgrace among the Kzinti because it makes them jittery neurotics.
History The Kzinti used to have a really big empire because they were really good at killing things and taking over their space. One day some kzin were happily walking along when they saw some funny little monkey people called ‘Hyu-Mans’. Well, the kzinti decided to take over these human critters, but before you could say "Well there goes human civilization," some friendly aliens gave the humans hyper space drive and humans were able to fend of the kzinti.
The Kzinti however didn’t seem to get the fact that humanity beat them, so they kept on sending more kzinti when their numbers got back up. At some point a kzin called Kdapt-preacher came along saying that humans, not kzinti are made in the image of God. This is very arrogant on the part of the kzinti because this says that humans couldn’t beat the Kzinti without Devine intervention.
The Man-Kzin war can also be contributed to a funny race of people called the Pierson’s Puppeteers. They decided they want nice gentle Kzinti so they made it so that humans would win the Man-Kzin war, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one. This killed off all the really violent Kzin and will go along until the Kzinti are nice little kitties.
Recently the Kzin have opened up relations with other species, but as if to say "We’re talking with you but we don’t like it," they call all Kzin diplomats who don’t already have names Speaker-to-Animals.

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