Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Don't Panic

The Greatest Story ever told . . .

Even Greater then the one with Jesus . . .

Is coming to the big screen . . .

This is not the introduction to the new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but that is what went thru my head when I heard that one of my favourite books is turning into a movie.
The Idea of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy came to a drunken Douglas Adams while he was laying in a field thinking "Wouldn’t it be great if there was a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy." Well he forgot about it for a while, but then when he was coming up with an idea for a science fiction radio show he remembered his idea and used it. And thus was a phenomenon born.
The Hitchhiker people have been trying to make a movie for years. For more information on the science fiction movie event of the spring go to the link at the bottom of this blog thing.