Friday, January 30, 2009

Sorry, mix up, 3...

It's late, I know but I'm not in a good state. I feel overwhelned. Winter is always a bad time for me, I break apart easily. I'm skipping class tomorrow because I can't stand leaving this place. I can't stand the place I'm in right now. Sometimes I feel like this very building is working against me. I've socialized more then I ever have in my life and it's wearing me down. I'm falling behind in my schoolwork. This blog is all I'm writing and it's hardly what I would consider good literature.
I need to sleep now. If I can I'll write back tomorrow.


Steph said...

Canada is really not a great place to live if you hate winter. Hans is the same way, and I kept asking him why he lived in Norway of all places. I think the place you're born in just kind of sucks you in, making it hard to leave.

Good luck. I hope you feel better.

Dylan said...

Thanks Steph. I like it when you comment.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it is February 5th and I am worried about you. It has almost been a week without hearing from you. I hope things are going better for you.