Friday, May 05, 2006

Probubly the longest time I had gone without blogging

Alright, I’ve put this of to long.
First, I feel swamped with school work. I’m reading an incredibly boring book called Broken Ground about a bunch of soldiers from WWI who have to live on a really bad piece of land with their families. I don’t like this novel at all, and I can’t wait to get the stupid thing over with. I also have difficulty keeping all the characters straight. This isn’t my kind of novel.
I also have to do an independent study. I chose to do how teenagers create subcultures to rebel against adults and give their lives meaning. I plan on doing studies into subcultures such as Goth and Punk which I can do quite easily as there are a few at my school. I also plan on doing some studies of counter-culture in the 50's and 60's, since I have some information on that. The project is very frustrating.
Last, I’m studying Macbeth and that is okay since I don’t have anything against Shakespeare (or Sir Francis Bacon, just in case). There is also a painting I’m doing for Art, but that’s not homework.
On the subject of Art, my parents want me to do paintings of my sisters because of a self-portrait I did. The portrait has a Psychedelic feel to it and I plan on getting around to it as soon as I get the boards ready and primed.
I think my little sister wants to get on the computer I’m using so she can play The Sims. She seems to be making annoying noises to bug me off. I’m wearing my MP3 player though. Of course, knowing her she’s probably just doing it for no reason.
What I really would like to do is do some reading and some writing. I picked up some new books at my school library and I’d like to read them some time today. In case your wondering they are an anthology of Australian Science Fiction and a bunch of stories from the Cthulhu Mythos by August Derleth who took over writing the Mythos after Lovecraft died.
Besides that nothing much has happened. I did a test on Neoclassism and Romantism in Art, which I think I got but other then that I’ve just been sitting around the house feeling depressed and hammering out the details for my fantasy world. I’ve been really keen on doing that.
Well, I’ll get back to you guys some time.
Oh, and exams are coming up again.


Steph said...

Yeah, I'd say that was probably the longest you went without blogging. And I'm sorry you've been feeling depressed. *hug* And good luck on exams, too? Do you think you'll do okay?

Dylan said...

Yeah, I think I'll be okay. Just got to get them done.