Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Highlights of the Three-Day Weekend and other success

Well, desipte a bit of an incident on monday this was a good three day weekend.
First, I was able to go to the best bookstore in the world, The Book Vault and bought myself a guide to the classic british comedy series Blackadder, a must see, the really long copy of Stephen King's The Stand, and a bunch of Magic: The Gathering cards. Relatives also came over that day and brought ice cream cake which we got to keep. We also watched volumes 3-5 of Samurai 7, an anime series based on the Japanese action movie The Seven Samurai, which inspired the western The Magnificent Seven, and lead to the Stephen King novel The Wolves of Calla, book five in the Dark Tower series. I found this out on the internet and ruined the surprise for myself. Anyway, they left us on quite of a cliff hanger at the end of volume 5 which I won't get into know because I would have to explain to much, but know I have to wait to find Volume 6. I suspect that there is also a volume 7 out there somewhere. Anyway, Samurai 7 is really, really cool and you should see it if you have the means.
Anyway, school work is chugging along nicely. I only have three days to get a fair knowledge of Impressionism in Art. Impressionism is very cool and concentrates alot on bright colours. I think I'll work that into my art. Impressionism is also based on painting things you see, which I'm not praticularly into since most of the stuff I draw is stuff I make up, and isn't very concerned on realistic portrayals, which I want to do to make my creatures more realistic.
In English we did some acting of Macbeth. The basic idea was that we were suppose to translate the lines of our characters into modern English and then act it out. I think I was pretty good at getting the emotions for my character right, and I'm considering a career in acting to go along with my writing.
And in case you were wondering, I was Macbeth. So I got some good emotional play. I was seeing ghosts and freaking out. I don't know if exactly how I would react to ghosts, I suppose that depends on the temperment of the ghost.
Anyway, that's all. Going to look at books know.

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