Saturday, May 06, 2006

Could America soon become facist?

I'm making this post at my public library. I just read this article in the magazine "Adbusters" about how America is becoming facist and it really scarred me. Here are some of the signs that America is becoming facist according to the article.
  • loyalty and strong sense of duty to group, which overrides universal or individual rights. You also use the term "the subordination of the individual to it;" which I think means complete obedience to the dicatator your under.
  • Believing that your group is a victim, which justifies doing really bad things to them, sort of like how the Nazi's were mean to the Jews because they thought the Jews were stealing their money.
  • fear of foreign ideas and ideas that go against their belief system.
  • need for a comftorble homoginized society, this can be any were between consent or violent methods.
  • believing that the leader's instincts are better the leader's reason.
  • Viewing the weak with contempt, assosiating feminity with weakness and glorifying masculinity.
  • viewing enemies as vermin and identifying with nation's enemies.
  • leaving immigrants, gay men and lesbians, and liberals out of important things and not letting them do things that they (the rich white straight guys) enjoy doing.
This article also goes on to say that it is very lickly that America can become a facist nation in the future. I find this very freightning because I don't think I can live under a facist nation, since I'm very left-wing in my views and would probubly be sent to a concentration camp and be killed and everything I ever write will be burned. I know anything with Naos in it will be very anti-establishment and Mythania has a very pro-homosexual religion (you'd have to be when your gods are a same-sex couple). I know I live in Canada and not America, but Canada seems to be following America's political views (we have a concervative government and are in the middle of our own war that I don't think is a good idea), and if Canada does break away from America's shadow we could always end up being Poland to America's Nazi Germany.
I'm scared humanity. I'm scared shitless. I don't want to die in a concentration camp and I don't want to see people die in concentration camps. Seeing people suffer makes me feel sad, unless of course I'm doing it in which case I don't notice. I just want people to stop fighting. Dear God, stop the fighting.
Sorry, I'm just going to finsih this article. Here are things that havn't happened yet among the American government, but we should all keep an eye on and try to stop.
  • The agenda is not revolutionary. If it was really facist it would be saying that they are doing some sort of revolution.
  • America is starting to become a one-party system, but it is not a dictator ship. If Bush calls to become President for Life, we know we're in trouble.
  • It dosn't rely on bullying people, yet.
  • American democracy has not yet reached the stage of chaos needed for facism to really take route and fester.
I hope that everyone is getting my message, especially someone important and I sure hope that we won't need V.

1 comment:

Goldie said...

My son also says that America has been losing its freedoms lately. Of course, we've only been here 9 years so it's hard to tell. I'll show him your post and ask what he thinks. Personally I think we are a long way from being a fascist regime yet.