Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Decline of the United States of America

You probably all know about New Orleans being flooded, and all the stories about rapes and looting and desperate people doing stupid things. Well this got me thinking about the current state of the American civilization. My theory is that it ain’t got long to live. I’d say a century, maybe two if it’s lucky. This is of course if the American government keeps democracy. If you Yanks adopt a dictatorship or monarchy or something, you can probably keep going for a few more centuries at the most. This will be followed by a period of separation between the rich and poor and then the games over. This is also thinking that this American Caesar isn’t taken out by the British or Chinese or somebody.
Don’t get me wrong or anything. I’m not claiming to be an expert on this kind of stuff (what I like to call nationology), this is just what I think. My Mom says that New Orleans going into anarchy isn’t going to make the White House go into flames or anything, but it is a sort sign about the state of the USA. This makes me a little worried, because I live in Canada and that I can’t see America going down without taking most of Canada with it. I figure I’m going to have to move of the continent. I guess that I can move to Europe or New Zealand or something. I could build a fall out shelter or something, but I don’t think that I’m that kind of personality.
Well, what else is there to say. I went to visit one of my aunts. We went to A&W and a local book store. I got the last book in the Dark Elf Trilogy and a Dungeons and Dragons accessory book about playing Wizards and Sorcerers. Sorcerers are more of my favourite between the two because they seem more playable to me. That’s pretty much my day. Still waiting for school.


Steph said... do I begin this. Well, in the last week, I've lost whatever patriotism I used to have, not that that was much by any means, and I really freaking hate this country right now, from its president to its education system. However, I'm not going to lie and say your post didn't irritate me. (I'm not mad at you or anything like that, just gonna tell you why this irritated me.)

Ok, so, first of all, you put it best when you said, "desperate people doing stupid things". The word desperate, by definition, means that you will do, literally, anything to try and help yourself, so the fact that these people are looting and all that is a mark of their desperation. Speaking of the looting, the people that are taking guns and like, tvs, and crap from stores are just totally stupid. (What the hell use could they get out of a tv???) But the ones that are taking, like, food and other such stuff simply as a means of survival, I don't think they are in the wrong. Hell, I would do it too!

Secondly, about the American civilization about to crumble, I totally agree with you that it's inevitable. In fact, I was just discussing this yesterday with a friend of mine from Norway. To quote one of my favourite movies, "Empires crumble; there are no exceptions." Very true. BUT, the America you see on Tv, and the America the media portrays is not the real America by any means. The situation in New Orleans is the result of a disaster, and I would bet my left arm that the Canadians or British or any other democratic peoples in the world would respond much the same way. You already used the correct word: desperate.

(Granted, they had ample warning, and were just being foolish when they didn't leave, especially after it was ordered for them to evacuate, friggin nuts, but still.)

And if Canada goes down as a result of America crumbling, that is because Canada, in a lot of ways, is basically an extension of America, especially cities like Toronto, which in my opinion is not in any way Canadian. (I find this funny as hell because you Canadians just love to make fun of us, but you fall victim to the very things you make fun of. Not you personally, necessarily, just in general.)

Anyways, I think I'll stop ranting now. I didn't mean this to be an attack on you, so I'm sorry if that's what it seems like.

Dylan said...

I didn't find it offensive and I am sorry if I insulted you. I was just expressing my views. I don't even like the concept of nations really, I believe that we should just create one unified human culture.

Steph said...

You didn't insult me, I was just irritated in general at the time, so I attacked your blog. Sorry.

And your unified human race idea is good and wonderfully idealistic, but it'll never happen. Too many people have too many stupid prejudices.

Dylan said...

Your to cynical. I don't think it will happen in our life time, but it may. Someday

Steph said...

I really wanna respond to the cynical comment with an argument of my own, but not only will it only serve to confirm to you that I am too cynical, but I think it'll also turn into another attack on your blog. I'm just gonna let it go.

Dylan said...

okay. I feel I should respond. I didn't really mean that to be to cynical. Its just the way I feel.

Steph said...

It's okay. Cynicism happens, generally the result of experience.