Thursday, March 10, 2005

On The Way Home From School Today

Today, while going home from school. I saw a bunch of people in a group. One was in front of another kid, pushing him and saying things that swore. Being the Gandhi wanna-be I am. I tried to reason with them, it didn’t work so the guy I was trying to help walked away. The boy who was trying to fight him went after him, so I held him back for as long as I could, but he got thru. Then we al started running, but I was wearing my Blundstone boots (which I got from regular reader of my blog, Uncle T. I still like them Uncle T) so I lost them. I was very worried, but I got a look at them later and they stopped, so I ran to see what happened and it looked like the guy I was trying to help wasn’t there. I heard a girl there say that he kept running, so he’s safe.


Steph said...

Very noble of you. I'm impressed, most would have ignored it...

Steph said...

Oh, and by the way, I looked up stuff on Asperger's syndrome.

This seems to be a good site.

Dylan said...

Thank you. I know what Asperger's Syndrome is I'm ust not used to explaining it.

Dylan said...

Also, I have a deal with another blogger named Robert Taylor. He's making an internet science fiction magazine. I'll be publishing some of my stories on it. The magazine in question hasn't come out yet, but you can check out his blog