Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Back Opintment and some Alternate Events

Yesterday I went to London, Ontario. It was a medical thing because I had to get my back checked out. A few years ago I had got an iron rode in my back because my spine wasn’t straight enough. Since then I’ve been wearing a brace to help my body adjust. My parents hope that I can get the brace of soon.
It was relatively okay. I had to wait a lot but it finally paid of and I went to chapters. I got the Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Time Enough For Love by Robert A. Heinlein.
Now here is some Alternate Events for Today’s History:

in 1969 The Soviet Union and People’s Republic of China form an alliance. Fearing that the two communist powers will destroy there way of life, The United States of America, The British Empire and Several European countries start fighting. This would escalate into World War III.
in 1807 The United States Congress abolishes the European Slave Trade. Hundreds of freed Europeans rejoice, however the southern state's economy was based on slaves starting the American civil war. European-Americans have gained rights as equal citizens in America, but they are still struggling against the right wing philosophy of the United States Government.
in 1972 Pioneer 10 is launched from Cape Canavrel, Florida. The satellite was entended to reach the star of Ross 246 in the year 34'600 AD. However, when a Romany Star Caravan decided to see if it was on course in 2363, they couldn't find any sign of it.
in 1904 Theodor Seuss Geisel, Grandmaster of Humorous Science Fiction is born. In his time Theodor wrote parodies of Science Fiction classics including 101 Ways to Save Human Civilization (A parody of Foundation), Oh, the places you’ll go (A parody of Arthur C. Clarke’s work) and The Misadventures of the Arcamedes Armstrong Amadeus, in which he makes a collective parody of Star Trek, Dr. Who and the works of Larry Niven. In it, the hero runs across the universe in a very badly built ship saving people and fighting of warrior cats in ridiculous headgear.

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