Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Sunday, Day of the Resurrection

in 788 AUC Yeshua, leader of a small religious group is released by the Roman Emperor. Yeshua was the founder of a small sect which became called Christianity in the west. The religion was able to gather a few followers, but it fell apart eventually by the end of the millennium.
in 35 Jesus, Son of God, is resurrected on this day. He taught the true way and path to God, his father. His word spread across the world united under Christendom.
in 35 Jesus, founder of Christianity is reputed to have been resurrected. However, like many things about Jesus it is still open to debate, but still doesn’t come close to the debate as to if he is human, hyoka, threzyran or aleyana.
on Sha’ban 29, -605 The Prophet Jesus is believed to have been resurrected by the Christian religion. The Christianity was once the dominant religion in the Roman Empire, but Rome was soon taken by the followers of Muhammad. These days, Christians are more commonly known as terrorist fanatics in the middle east. Chrisitianity in reality is a very beautiful religion.


Dylan said...

The third one is probubly very confusing. So I thought that I would say that it is from an alternate universe were other animals evolved into sentients beings.

Dylan said...

Oh, sory if I insulted anyone