Friday, January 30, 2009

Sorry, mix up, 3...

It's late, I know but I'm not in a good state. I feel overwhelned. Winter is always a bad time for me, I break apart easily. I'm skipping class tomorrow because I can't stand leaving this place. I can't stand the place I'm in right now. Sometimes I feel like this very building is working against me. I've socialized more then I ever have in my life and it's wearing me down. I'm falling behind in my schoolwork. This blog is all I'm writing and it's hardly what I would consider good literature.
I need to sleep now. If I can I'll write back tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I promissed myself that I'd get to 600 posts by the end of this month and by golly I plan on keeping that promise.
Education is kicking in and I'm not sure that I've got myself in proper gear. I just took a test in Philosophy and I'm pretty sure I didn't do that good. While it is still my first year I'm not going to decide that University isn't right for me just yet. Since a staight job isn't what I'm looking for I don't think dropping out of University will be my best chance, at least not yet when my body of work is around three short stories, four or five poems and the half-written first draft of a novel. Once I get my novel done and read as much as I can from the magnificent collection that is the Dana Porter Library, then I'll consider dropping out. Since there is quite a collection at Dana Porter and the speed of progress is going at the speed of human right's progress in China then I'm probubly going to graduate around that time.
In my extra corricular activities, I am working on developing what I am referring to as "The Salon." Basically me and two other people I mentioned, who I am also not going to name because I don't have there consent, will be meeting together to start a Salon. What this is, I do not yet now, but it connects to my Beat Generation Fantasies in some way. What will be a new look at art and the world is what I'm hoping for, or failing that at least getting as many artistic minds together as possible. Were were all going to meet is up for grabs at the moment.
I've been considering writing an Art Manifesto for sometime. This is a problem for me because,
  1. I haven't yet worked out my theory of Art
  2. Once I write "rules" for my Art then I am at risk of becoming stale.

The idea of becoming an "experimental" writer is a bit interesting, but I'm probubly not an experimental writer. I may experiment with genre and narrative form, but I doubt that makes me an experimental writer. I am going to play with narrative (multiple narrators, fictional biography, combining novel and TV serial styles), but these have already been done. I'm also not sure I want to be a Postmodernist, because as I have written before, Postmodernism needs to be replaced with something before it grows stale, if it hasn't already.

Recently I watched a documentary about Alan Moore, one of my favorite living writers. In it, he mentioned the Alchemical maxim or doctrine of SOLVE ET COAGULA, which means to take apart and then put back together. Alan Moore linked SOLVE, the taking apart of, with Deconstructionism and Postmodernism, and replied that COAGULA, putting it back together and said that he believes people should be doing that more. This could be the replacement to Postmodernism, this Coagula. I should try this, but the problem is I'm not really sure that I know where all the pieces have gone, or what I should build in the place of what's been Deconstructed. Maybe I should deconstruct my own literature and then put it back together again.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Thursday was my WoD game, which as some of you may know I'm trying to play as a pacifistic character as possible. So far it's pretty good, though admittedly most of the time my character, Ezekiel Talbot, has been in the hospital for being mauled by a walking corpse. (He isn't saying zombie because he's an occultist and as far as he's concerned, zombies are poor possessed people from Haiti who are relatively harmless). So far the only real damage he has done to anything is himself because he failed a resolve check when entering the area of Death, and thus had to try killing himself in some kind of way. Since he doesn't carry any weapons it was pretty easy. After my character tried to crash the car the other characters decided to keep an eye on me. I'm thinking about giving my character advances in Psychology and making him the back-up exorcist for the group's Priest character.
On another note, I have returned to my hometown for what is basically a day. It's nice to be home, because my favorite cafe is home as well as a decent bed and shower. I actually feel clean after taking a shower at home, where at Conrad Grebel my skin just feels funny. And a tempurpedic mattress beats the old hard thing back at Waterloo any day of the week, especially Fridays and Saturdays when I actually use it.
But this weekend is not just about fun and games, I have much work to complete. For instance I've got a test in Philosophy on Tuesday. I need to look over everything I learned to prepare. This may be a bit difficult, as I haven't really paid as much attention in Philosophy, and it's hard to take notes because the teacher goes really fast. I haven't got note takers yet, but once I get all the forms filled out I'll have one.
Notes are really hard for me to take in class because when I finish them, the teacher has long gone on from that and I'm still on something that was said long ago and I've missed something really important. My way of interpreting information is like a quine line and when teachers try to give me information and I write down I can't do it. The information trips up on itself and I need to just listen. That's why note takers are so important to my education. Mom says that one day I'm going to need to stop using note takers, but I don't know if that will be possible.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I missed Barack's speech

Yeah, what would be one of the most important events in my external life and I missed it. I had class as it turns out. I do plan on seeing if I can't catch it on the CNN website. Thank God for the Internet.
For the most part I spent yesterday in a state of exhaustion. Since I've been getting up at 7:50 each morning I have been and getting to bed at past midnight. Yesterday I was basically exhausted. I'm not sure how I got thorugh the day. I went to bed ata round ten or nine I think, after watching Miller's Crossing. I have to return that to Generation X today, and will probubly do so after Community Supper. Miller's Crossing was a very good movie, bye the way. I recommend it to everyone. Whatever the Coen Brother's Early period is, then that is one of the crowning jewels of it, though the best film of that time would probubly have to be Barton Fink.
The desire to organize my time still remains a precident for me, but I am also unwilling to sit down and actually do it. It would be invaluble to me, I know, but I still won't do it. I want to be able to do my actual writing, and if I were to organize myself I would have a better chance of doing that, but still I'm doing nothing.

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day of Tango Lessons (belated)

Sunday was free Tango and Swing Lessons. As many of my frequent readers may know, I took some Tango lessons back in my High School days and I was hoping to get back in the swing of it. Seems that my old Tango teacher and the new one have drastically different styles of teaching. I'm not sure which one I prefer, because with Max you just jumped right in, where as here we don't even get to use our hands. I have to press my chest up against my partner, which is a little frustrating but probably how the dance works. I'm still a bit frustrated because I don't really have it set.
On another good note I made a new friend. She was my dance partner for bits of the independent dance. We ended up hanging out most of the night. She's pretty cool, from Toronto and has a very jubilant nature that rubbed off on me. As usual, I will not name her derectly, but I think I gave her the address to my blog. If not, I'll email it to her.
Also, in more recent news, it's Obama's Inaguration. I have no idea when it is. It could be going on right now. I hope that I can see it, if not for only the historical factors involved.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Big Winter Semester House Meeting Hoohow

I really like the idea of posting pictures with my blog. I'm not sure why but it makes it look more interesting, though I admit that I'm just taking pictures of myself using my camera right now. This may in fact be one of the major pictures as I would like the picture in question to have something to do with the topic and the topic I blog the most about is myself.
So, tomorrow is the big get together at the WPIRG, which is the local youth activism organization on campus. This will take place almost immediatly after my WoD game, so I have a very busy day tomorrow. I'm not praticularly worried however, since Friday all I'll be doing is handing in an essay I'm very close to finishing. Well, essay isn't the proper word since it's only supposed to be three to four pages long. I have vague recollections about a time when an essay was that long, but that should be impossible, because everyone knows essays have six to ten pages and footnoting. Oh, those dark savage days with no footnoting, when man had to rely solely on MLA to write his essays.
Well, other then the essay things are pretty good. My only real problem is that I'm not talking to the Dons this week and I'm not sure that they got the message. Why am I not talking to the dons you ask? Well I'll tell you. It was the big house meeting at the beginning to the semester when everyone gets together to hear the rules. I find this annoying because I already know the rules and I had to put jeans on (One of the many advantages of having a single room). It is apparently a tradition of the dons to pull a Weird Al and rewrite the words to a major song that everyone will recognize and relate it to the duties of being a don. This semester was Kate Perry's "I kissed a girl (and I liked it)." (Spit). Since I was already ticked off, and Kate Perry (spit) has total irrelevance to me at best I am not talking to any of the dons until Monday. If anyone from my residence is reading this, and I know some of you are, please tell the dons about this new development. I am sorry, but I'm sticking to my principles, no matter how much they make me look like a snobbish University Arts Major who reads Artaud and Apollinaire and attends weird perfomance art things.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Coach's Midnight Diner

I was going about Duotrope's Digest awhile ago when I came across something called Coach's Midnight Diner. It's an anthology that is basically Christian fiction with balls. The stories are gritty, dark and take as much from noir fiction and Lovecraft as C.S. Lewis. I'm very tempted to write something up. Heck, I could probubly write a book on this subject. There is one problem with this, I'm worried that I'm not exactly Christian enough to get published here. I believe in God, and I think Jesus is a good guy but I'm just as likely to study Sufism and Tarot. I figure since I like the basic idea of Christianity, so I could probubly send something over to him. If there still taking offers. Either way, if I here anything from this I might send them a copy of "Cattle Man's Folly," or some other thing I've written up.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Semester Two First Week in Review (Sans Friday)

One of the great things about my new laptop is that it has one of them new fangled camera thingies. Mind you, the quality of the image isn't the best, but it gets the basic job done. Like my new hat? With my coat and scarf it makes me look kind of like a Russian Communist before they actually overthrew the government, except without the red.

Well, it's been the week in which I adjust myself to University again. It's been alright all around. The last World of Darkness campaign I was in sort of fell apart because most of the people were out, but I ran into a new one today. It seems to be a larger group and we havn't really gotten all together as of yet, but I think that we will next session. I just realized that there is a bit of scheduling difficulty on my part, so I'll have to tell the group that next time I get the chance. I was supposed to meet up with a friend tonight, but I think something is getting me wrong or she was mistaken with the address of where we were meeting because I'm sitting right where she asked me.

So short story, things look great accidemically, but I'm having difficulty hanging out with my last social network.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Awareness Test

This is freaky awesome.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I Meantime To Postage on New York But I Had Noticeable To Sayable

Tomorrow I return to University. I'm pretty psyched to return, since I got some pretty awesome courses lined up. I do need to pick up the books that I need for my course. I'm not sure what these books are exactly though.
My new laptop is broken. I may have gotten into explaining this, but I have one of those new Acer laptops that a couple of you may have seen. The real small ones, the baby laptops, yeah those are the ones. Well, mine isn't doing that well at the moment. It's frozen up as is my complete body of work, all two short stories and three poems, not to mention the one short story I was working on. I hope that my Uncle can fix it.
I ran into some old friends and we talked a bit about my writing, most notably Last Dance Revelation or Revolution. Anyways, she (it was a she) said that it sounded more of a movie, which is something I think she mentioned before. To be honest, I think she may have a point. The story does deal a lot with film. There is the issue of how I'm going to get the money once I film it, but I think that maybe Last Dance Revelation could make a good movie. I'd have to trim it down, read a couple of screen plays to see how they work, and probably take a few more film classes, or if I can't do that then I'll have to start going to Generation X and the Princess Cinema to learn more about movies, not to mention reading my entire film text book.
I'd have to do a lot on the movie. If I'm going to write it, then I'm also going to direct it. I don't want some chump messing up my story. Someone I know told me that there are a lot of good Independent Companies in Canada, and maybe I'll hook up with them. There's also a film club at Waterloo, I could probably sign up with them, see if I can't learn anything.
And finally, the strangeness of the title is part of a surrealist game I did on a lark. I replaced the words I wanted with the word in the dictionary it was under. I may do this more often, next time I'll do the twenty-third word under maybe.