Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Absurdity Factor of Going to University has Just Reached Noticeable Levels

I'm sitting in my room, minding my own buisness when in comes my Mom going on about a bathroom. She plans on having the wall knocked out so as to increase the bathroom's size. Meanwhile, I'm sitting on my bed thinking "Why are you going on about this while I'm in the room. I'm right here." At least she has the desencey to wait eight years until I get my own place.
Also, you may have noticed that I have added a word counter for my novel, and that I am currently at 29%. I'm very proud of that, and I hope to have the first draft done by the end of summer. Considering the word length and that I'll be doing 1'667 words a day I'll be doing some very good writing this summer.
Also, I am seriously considering sighning up for National Novel Writing Month. The problem is I don't see it as something I'll be able to do it next November, what with all the busy University work I'll be doing. I may do it some November after college, or I may just have to do it during the summer when it's unofficial. Anyways, there's still National Poetry Writing Month in April, I think it is. I could probubly manage that.

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