Friday, June 01, 2007

Movies and such

In Writer's craft we are learning about writing film reviews and as such are watching movies. The first movie was a thing called Cube, which is a science fiction like movie about a bunch of people who are stuck in a weird cube maze thing. It's really weird and has a kind of avaunt-garde feel to it. Were also going to watch Dead Man, which I have already seen and thought was very cool.
Also, I just watched El Mariachi at home, which was also pretty cool. I was able to get it for free at the Giant Squid because the last movie I got there was pretty scratched up. They're a great store. It was pretty cool that Robert Rodriguez could make made it on only $7000. It has kind of inspired me to try and do my own movie on that kind of budget. Mind you, I have no idea were to get that kind of money, or even what I should do. I don't want to do a traditional action flick like that because it just dosn't seem like something I'd do. I'll have to think about it. I have an idea for a movie that could work as an action film but also work on just being a cool movie to see. Anyway, I'm tired so I'm going to end this post now.


ZZZZZZZ said...

oh those movies are soo cool! I have el mariachi, desperado, and once upon a time in mexico on dvd.

Steph said...

You changed your blog's template while I wasn't looking! *gasp!*