Monday, July 10, 2006

If everyone but me went to Kansas City

Since I have been reading The Stand by Stephen King, in which a bunch of people find themselves alone because everyone's died of a plauge I've been thinking it something like that would happen to me. Not everybody dying, but everyone just going to another plane of existance or planet or Kansas City as Tom (the newest character in this epic novel) believes they did. If they could just leave everything like it is then that would be fine with me, and leave the electricity one. The electricity isn't on in the Stand because everyone who can manage it is dead from the plauge. I figure I'd be like that guy who was in the one chapter, I can't remember his name but he painted landscapes and used to be a sociology professor until almost everybody died. He seemed nice and I suppose that he would be me if we ended up in a population desimating plauge, except I'd be painting mystical animals and warriors and stuff. He also had a dog, and I don't praticularly like dogs. If it was the only other being in my home town however then I figure we'd have to move in. I'd call the dog Blood, because that's the name of the dog in the Harlan Ellison short story "A Boy and his Dog." It is a good story and I liked it alot. I recommend it.
I'd still like to have some people around, but at a distance. Steph, your on my list since you are a freind, but we have a long distance relationship. I'm presumming that all the people went to Kansas City where you are too, by the way. If you like we could meet at Halifax or something and try and get to Hans by ship or something. I figure I'd learn how to drive, since their arn't alot of people and since civilization has collapsed anyway so their. Or since we're working on the assumption that everything is working in our favour (or mine if that's how it's working) you, Hans and I are all on the same continent. Either way, I'm still fine talking to you via blogs (and msn if I can figure out how to get an account) since I'd just like to be alone for extended periods of time. That and I'd have to go to a bunch of cities to pick up more art supplies and free books. I may just move into a local university and make base their.
Anyway, that's my secret apocalyspse fantasy.


Steph said...

Hmm... that actually doesn't sound half bad. And the part about you liking your alone time is perfectly fine with me, because I also enjoy keeping myself company more often than not. Also, I like that you included Hans (naturally). Except that I wouldn't much care to be in Kansas City. So my alteration to your apocalypse fantasy is that you're wherever you so desire to be, the rest of the still living populace are in Kansas City and me and Hans are in a cabin somewhere in the rockies. Sounds like a winner to me. Oh, and we make sporadic visits to you, wherever you happen to be residing.

And in a side note, I just had this weird image of a derelict city like Toronto or something. Big buildings all evacuated and no people in the streets. Hmm... I think I should dwell on this and see if I can turn it into anything.

Cheers! :P

Dylan said...

That sounds much better Steph. I just used the Kansas City thing because the one character Tom (who's mentally challenged) believed that all the people in his home town just left to go to Kansas City , except for him mom and aunt who he saw are dead. They could have gone to Kansas City, since that sounds likely. I'm not going to bother and explain all this. Read The Stand by Stephen King. It's really good. I don't know if your into that kind of stuff, but go ahead.

Dylan said...

And to tell you the truth I have no idea where I'd like to live. I've given some thought to moving to San Fransisco at some point in my life, mainly because I see myself as someone who will inevitably end up in San Fransisco, or somewhere outside of San Fransisco. I may end up somewhere outside of San Fransisco. We'll go with that. That's close to the rockies right?

Steph said...

Yeah, pretty close. And while we're on the subject, I'm not really where I'd want to live if I was given any choice in the world. Just, some place with wide-open spaces and mountains and forests and hills and... well, you get the idea. The Rockies are pretty close to that, so I picked them so I could still be fairly close to you in this apocalyptic world we're imagining.

And I've been told to read The Stand a million times at least. I know my grandma has a copy of it, so hopefully when I get done with the books I'm reading now, I'll get to that. But I'm not gonna make any promises, because I still have to yet read The Da Vinci Code. I know, I know. But I can't find a copy of it. Also, if you like Dan Brown, I recommend Angels & Demons. That one, I just finished last week and thought it was really good. You're into conspiracty theories, and that book's about the Illuminati (which I think you mentioned in a previous post.)

Dylan said...

Yeah. Angels and Demons has been suggested to me before, and I know a series about the Illuminati. I have a world in which I plan on having alot of government conspiracies (combined with a pantheon of anicent gods I may have mentioned before and an urban fantasy type setting). I'll tell you how it goes.