Friday, July 07, 2006

A letter to The Watchowski Brothers concerning their rescent movie, V for Vendetta

Dear Watchowski Bros,

Loved the Matrix, but I have my doubts about your new movie. I am a fan of V for Vendetta and I was disappointed with the result. I don’t want to sound like Alan Moore here, but I don't know why you guys felt that you had to change the story. V for Vendetta was great the way it was. For one thing they made V way to soft in the movie. He just went out and killed the guys for one thing. The V I met in the graphic novel brought whatshisname, the propaganda guy brought him back to Shadow Gallery and burned his dolls in a makeshift concentration camp. (If you read the book, you'd know that propaganda guy collects dolls from before the nuclear war and cares about them a lot more then he did the people in the concentration camps. This is an example of Irony I think) I was really disappointed with that once I thought about it. Also, why'd you have to add the whole biological war thing when the nuclear holocaust was just as good. Sure the threat of nuclear anniolation is not as big these days, but you could have at least presented it as an alternate history or something. And you left out the Fate Computer, the Fate Computer is really important to the plot. And you left out Adam Susan, the REAL leader of Norsefire. How could you leave out Adam Susan, he's a great character. Sure this Adam Sutler guy falls into the more Hitleresque view the public has of a fascist leader, but that's just bowing to the masses ,Watchowski Bros. (or siblings if the rumors I've heard are true) but Adam Susan has his own special craziness with the whole love affair with the Fate Computer. That's a good plot hook guys, run with it. Also, the whole romance thing between V and Evey, come on. V isn't suppose to have any determinable human feelings. There are more complaints, but I'll let Alan Moore deal with them. I'd tell you guys to go back to writing something original like the Matrix, but I've heard that you may have gotten the whole idea from the Invisibles, by Grant Morrison. I don’t care that much, since that’s Mr. Morrison’s idea, but either way you guys had better come up with something good soon. Come up with something original for God's sake. That's what Hollywood needs right now. Something Original, something nobody's ever seen before. That's what people want. Look at Star Wars for Christ's sake. Come up with something really cool. Have you agent lock you in a room for a week until you come up with something. I want to see something original fella's.
Anyway, good luck on your endeavours. Hope you come across this in a random search for you movie, or if you accsidently spell Mythology as Mythania or something.
Sincerly Yours,


P.S. Ralph says hi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Star wars was stolen from a 50's movie called "the hidden fortress" pretty far from original. ;)