Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Missing Things

Hey. I'm reading the sequael to Illium, called Olympos, in which our heros are no longer in the Illiad as much as an alternate version where everybody is fighting the gods. I'm not going to get much more into it since it would ruin the entire reading prosess. It has proven to be as good, if not better then the first novel.
This has been happening for a long time know so I should have told you sooner, but I'm going to physiotherapy. Apparently my posture is so lazy it affects long term pain so I need to do a bunch of streaches. That and swim alot, but my dad's parents have a swimming pool. I was their today and did fifteen lengths.
Still no update from my D&D group (i.e. Rowiin the human). I really miss Loncrow and Ruric, my first D&D group that was scattered to the far corners of the Realms. Me and Loncrow hade a really good campaign too. I was enjoying it at least. I think I may work it into a novel or something.
Well, tomorrow I'm going to a used book store. I have sworn of Chapters since it dosn't always have what I'm looking for and I am know looking into buying exclusivly from small retail bookstores. My mom has agreed that we will try to go to one used book store each week this summer. Sounds like a good idea to me.
And on the weekend we are going to a big Folk festival in London, Ontario. It should be interesting and I hope to pick up some new buttons for my jacket. I'm not wearing my jacket these days since it's too hot. I like that jacket.
Think that's everything. See ya.

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