Friday, February 03, 2006

New Semester

Somehow, I feel I should have written that I am finished exams on Thursday, but I didn’t so here is what I’ve been up too.
First off, I am finished exams and have passed them all. I know look forward to a Math burning party in which I will burn all my math notes.
Second, I am know on my second semester. I have sociology, anthropology and psychology (that’s all one course), Art and English. I already have to do an art project. I have to make a small statue of bristle board. I chose to do an anti-war memorial, but I hade to toune the bloodyness of my original concept.
I’m looking at one of my hands right know. The veins are very visible. It kind of looks like it belongs to one of the walking dead. Weird.
Anyway, that about covers it.


Steph said...

Hands are cool. I know that sounds weird, but I have a fascination with people hands, even my own. My own in that when I'm bored I look at the backs of my hands and wiggle my fingers just to watch the tendons move, or I poke at the veins, just because. And I have this weird tendency to measure people by how their hands look. Yes, that sounds weird, now that I'm reading back over it. I'm babbling. I'll stop now.

Dylan said...

That's okay. The Ferengi in Star Trek judge people by the quality of their shoes. It's one of the rules of aquistition.