Tuesday, February 21, 2006

66 Stream-o-conciousness route

So I was in English class not really concentrating on my work when I got this great idea for a T-shirt. I was feeling kind of silly and laid back and wasn’t really concentrating and I thought to myself, hm This would make a good T-shirt. So I figured that I should make a blog post about cool things that I would like to see on T-shirts. This is that list.
  • I'm not high. This is just me on a good day. This was inspired by the afore menchoned English class. I do not claim to be an expert on how people act under the influence of drugs, but I figured that one would act silly, laid back and would not be very good at concentrating.
  • Naos is my Homie. Parody of the Jesus is my homie T-shirt, only with Naos. He's going to be in alot of novels that I write. He is suppose to be a Christ-like figure, so I suppose it is an apropriate parody, and to any of the religious right that stumble onto this by some acsident, I say to you lighten up. I'm not trying to surpress you, I'll go into more of a rant later.

Huh, that’s all I can think of. Awell, I have more stuff to talk about.

So awhile back I saw a bit of this documentation on how the religious right views same-sex marriage, and this one Christian said that treatments of Christians has been basically the same since the 1st and 2nd century. I find this ridiculous for many reasons. For one thing there has been this great big time gap, most of it being ruled by a CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY!!! Also, This Christian theocracy wasn’t exactly a good move on the part of Christian religion and was full of all kinds of intolerance and genocide (Spanish Inquisition and Witch burnings come immediately to mind).
Really, this whole thing makes me angry. When people talk about that I want to point at them and yell "Cannibal, Cannibal," and show them what it’s like to be a Christian in the 1st and 2nd century. And these Christians are suppressing homosexual people by calling them sinners. So you Christians are a bunch of hypocrites. Ha.

And on a lighter note, I will be expecting book one of Cerebus the Aardvark in the mail. That is all. Go back to your lives. Dear God leave a comment.

Oh, and we hade the art contest. I didn’t win.

Oh, and if you go to Neil Gaiman's journal you can see a wicked cool painting he has in his room. This is my 222 post, in case people are interested. I think that that bit of information is kind of cool personally. Again, please comment, and goodbye.


Steph said...

Whoa...the commenting screen changed. When did that happen? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED!?! Kidding. Anyways, this me commenting. The Tshirt ideas were cool. I particularly like the "Naos is my homeboy" idea.

Also, I agree. Chrisitians are hypocrites. I could tell you stories. Hell, I think I'll share one cus it happened today. I take Christian inbound calls at work, like for child sponsorships and such. I got one such call today, where the chick who called said, "Yeah, I have a comment." (I wanted to say, "Good for you. I don't wanna hear it." Didn't do that though.) So she proceeded to rant about how she's a Christian and we American Christians shoudln't be helping starving children in other countries because there are starving children here. Actually her exact words were, "To hell with kids in other countries! We need to worry about OUR children first. They matter more." Yeah...um...ok. This is where my job got tricky cus I'm not allowed to tell people what I'm actually thinking, so for lack of something better to say within the boundaries of my job regulations, all I said was "Thanks for your opinion. Have a nice day." But still, what a god Christian she was. Puh.

Also congrats on 222 posts. Cool number.

Ok, I'm all posted out. Phew.

Dylan said...

Thank you Steph. That story was very interesting.