Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I may have SAD

I’ve been feeling depressed (not at the moment mind you, just in general). Because of that I went to see the help office, and the lady there said that I may have SAD (seasonal affection disorder), which means I get all down during the winter because there isn’t enough sun. She said I should get more sun and eat Chocolate. I believe that this will be a good idea, especially the chocolate.
On another note, while doing Latin in the library when the fire drill went. I quickly picked up my book and writing material like I always do, and went outside. Then a fire truck came up and firefighters went inside. It was kind of interesting, I was glad that I hade my books with me, so they wouldn’t burn. It turned out to be a false alarm and we went back to normal. I was hoping we could go home.
That’s all folks.


Dylan said...

I don't know. I had a packet of M&M's and a Snickers bar.

Goldie said...

I know what you mean about the fire alarm. This summer I was at Walmart with my 10yo and a fire alarm went off. They evacuated everybody and three fire trucks came, didn't find anything. He sat there and watched for an hour. Made his day.

I may have SAD too, snow depresses me to no end. But I don't like chocolate, can I just have steak instead?

Dylan said...



Anonymous said...

i like you, your cool