Friday, November 25, 2005


Good day for a post. I’m listening to an archived copy of Little Steven’s Underground Garage. It’s a great radio program with all this killer music from the sixties and Garage Rock (which is anything Little Steven says it is, in case you were wondering) You got to check this out. Go to you won’t be sorry.
Well, I have spoken of 8 bit theatre. It is a Final Fantasy parody, well the creator of the series Brian Clevinger made attempts of putting it into Flash Cartoon format, but by the time he gets the series done Final Fantasy XXXXXXVI will be out, so me and some guys at school thought that it would be a good idea to make a film version of the 8 bit theatre. I’m pretty sure it’s legal if we don’t try to make a profit out of it. I have called dibs on Red Mage, because Red Mage rocks, and I get cool lines such as "Give me an hour and I’ll be able to sail this ship into ORBIT!!" Also, when acting I have a tendency to smile, and Red Mage has a high neck-collar or something that covers his mouth.
My little sister is driving me crazy. She’s trying to get onto the computer, but I’m not quite finished. She also has some friends over, and that always makes her super hyper.
Well, that’s all for now. I may write some more stuff later. Who knows?

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