Thursday, June 29, 2006

Summer Time

As many of my readers may be aware from reading about my dealings with summer last year. It is a very boring time for me. That's why I'm at the library know. I'm bored. I'm going to have to call Rowiin around to play some Dungeons and Dragons sometime.
This weekend will not be a good time for it however, since a lot of relatives are coming over and my Mom needs to unwind because being a teacher on the last days of school is majorly stressful. I also plan on celebrating my freedom by getting a new Dungeons and Dragons book. Either Complete Divine or Expanded Psionics Handbook, I don't know if I can talk mom into getting me both. Of course, it would probubly be wiser to just get Monster Manual. I better get around to getting that summer job.
Anyway, I am also working on my future-history, which I call The Saga of Man, since the saga of man sounds cooler then future history. I'm concentrating on the Last Dance Revolution era, which is somewhere between 2062-2069. There's this whole concept about the end of american civilization and stuff like that. Steph, once I transport teh infromation from my laptop to a computer with internet, I'll want you to look over it. Mom and Dad, I'd let you read over it but as you know our printers on the fritz.
Another project I'm working on is that I'm creating the first ever Encyclopedia Mythania. It's not going to be a proper Encyclopedia, as I'm basing the structure on my Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Book, with different sections for Races, Geography (seperated by nations and regions), Religion and such. I also am adding alot of new stuff to Mythania, for instance I made up a species called the nyhib'ru and added a religion known as The Church of the Devine Flame, which is going to be something of a cross between Islam and Zoroastrianism. Originally it was just going to be Mythania's equivalent to Islam, but the use of a flame was just crying for Zoroatrianism. I won't be posting anything about Mythania here, but you can hope for some pictures.
Gotta go. Need to learn about Zoroastrianism.


Steph said...

Zoroastrianism... what is that? I mean, aside from some kind of a religion. And your future-history thing sounds interesting, and it reminds me of a book that was recommended to by some guy that I called while I was working as a telemarketer. It's called Man, an autobiography by George Stewart. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet (cus I havne't found it) but the guy made it sounds really cool.

Dylan said...

From what I was able to pick up, Zoroastrianism is a monothiestic religion that existed a long time ago in Persia. It had a good verses evil thing similar to Christianity. There was also this thing called the Zurvan that was the father of the representations of good and evil, but it's not widely excepted. In the Church of the Devine Flame, the Devine Flame is going to be the force of Good. In the wide area of my Mythos, The Devine Flame is an aspect of The Golden, who is the anthropomorphization of Good. Any questions class?

Steph said...

That sounds cool. You know I wanna read this one day, right? *winks*

Dylan said...

Don't worry. I'm working on the official handbook even as we speak.

Or do you mean all the stories that I'm putting this in?