Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tired. Hate School

I wish Sprite and her friends would be quit. They are so noisy. There is at least one floor between us and I can still here them screaming. It sounds like there is a fight or something.
Communications Tech project still frustrating me. We’re recharging the batteries and will then get to work on the filming. I don’t know if the light will be good enough, but we can only hope. I really hate this project. I hate it on so many levels. I hate doing it, I hate the time limit, I hate having to explain it, I hate how I can’t get it done, I just hate it. It makes me very angry. I just don’t know how much I can take this. If this is what the world is like then I don’t want any truck with it. It just seems so large and intimidating and I just don’t think I can handle it.
I wish something happy would happen.
Till next time.


Steph said...

I wish I could think of something snappy and clever to say that would at least make you smile. Sorry, I got nothing though.


Sadly that's the best I can do...

Dylan said...

it's allright Steph. I am feeling better.

Dylan said...

thanks for the hug.