Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Smoke and Mirrors

In history class we are doing a project in which we take on the roles of historical figures or some sort of person. I’m doing St. Francis of Assisi. He is a very interesting person.
I am reading Smoke and Mirrors, a collection of Short Stories by Neil Gaiman. They are very good short stories. The last one I read was about this writer, who I think of as Neil Gaiman because it dosn’t actually say who he is, and he’s just written a novel that has been picked up by a movie company in L.A. and he spends most of his time being very confused and not understanding what’s going on with the movie, and at the hotel he is at he meets this old guy who was working for the hotel in the 1920's and knew all these famous movie stars including this one lady who is practically forgotten about ecsept for the old man. And there are all these people telling him versions of John Belushi’s death, but he always died with two other people and they are never the same people. It was a very good story. It is called The Goldfish Pool And Other Stories.
That’s all I have, I have to go do the dishes.

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