Thursday, August 11, 2005

Really Good Books

Have you ever read a book that you got so into that you hade to finish it that very night? I have. I almost did last night, but I figure if I work really hard on it I can finish said book tonight. It’s the last volume of the Otherland Series. What do you call a series of four books anyway, a quadrilogy?
The last book that gave me this feeling was Homeland, by R.A. Salvatore. It’s part of a trilogy talking about Drizzt Do’Urden, a dark elf ranger who unlike the rest of his species is a pretty decent guy (How bad can dark elves be? There goddess is psychotic, killing other houses is a common way of getting your family promoted, and, well, read the book). I think it was I just didn’t want Drizzt to end up spending the rest of his life in the Dark Elf city. I mean, I know that there are a lot of other books about Drizzt, and they took place outside of Menzoberranzan (said dark elf city), but I was still nervous about it.
Incidently, this kind of suspense is also in Otherland V4, Sea of Silver Light. Dread, this guy who really likes to kill things, usually women, is currently controlling the Otherland system and all of the characters in it are in danger. Last time I left them, Dread was preparing for a final assault on the Other’s simulation world, where all the people are currently in. I’m a little nervous about how all this turns out, and I will be reading this book right after I finish this bit, which should be right about know.

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