Saturday, March 03, 2007

Looking forward to March Break. March Break will have nothing to do with this post.

So, I'm working in a co-op as part of my school. The workplace in question is a local museaum with a bunch of pioneer and Victorian stuff. Basically, I entered in a bunch of stuff onto a computer database. Yesterday I did doilies and tablecloths. It's kind of boring, but they give me a lot of free time. My parents are giving me a hard time about it by asking me stupid questions like how many artifacts I put into the database per day, which I don't pay attention to. I suppose I shouldn't complain, because they're giving me a lift until the weather becomes more tollerable.
Speaking of the weather, it's hell outside. The sidewalks are covered with ice and the town council isn't doing a thing about it. I nearly tripped on my way to the library today, (which is were I am now). It's annoting, That and snow is going down everywhere. I think it may be having an effect on my emotions, as I have been feeling kind of depressed lately. I'd like to take a vacation to a nice tropical place, that would be great.
The novel is coming along slowly. I can't seem to get it just the way I want. At the moment I'm concentrating on the first bit were Naos and Helen are trying to make a new life for themselves in the Desert, but don't do it because they have to complete the rest of the novel. Along with this I plan on writing in the first year or so of Naos and Helen's relationship. Helen is beginning to take on some Aspergers traits as I write this. I have this one seane where Naos gives Helen some flowers, and Helen just thinks "What are these for?" I suppose it's only write for Helen to have social difficulties, as she wasn't intended to have anything like a real social life by her creators, so I imagine she should have some similarities to Aspergers Syndrome.
Anyway, I heard a thing on Neil Gaiman's blog about a library that came under attack by the Religious Right, because there children were watching internet porn on the library internet. Naturally, this lead to the American Inquistion searching the library and finding all kinds of stuff on safe-sex and homosexuality. Naturally, the Religious Right wanted the Library shut down. I think the Library is shut down, but there are several problems here. Number One, I hate the Religious Right. I believe that you guys are going to kill us all and I seriously believe that if Jesus was to come down from heaven on his holy-Harley (refrence to my mythology, Jesus is a biker in it), the Religios Right would be the first people he'd complain about. Number Two, there your kids. If don't want them to watch internet porn then watch them, or at least not get so worked up about them. Was it not Khalil Gibran who said "You can give them your love but not there thoughts, they have there own thoughts." I'm pretty sure he said something to that effect. I know that porn isn't the best thing to be into, but you can't control people's thoughts. Number Three, and this has nothing about the library, this is just part of my tirade against the Religious Right, which is all this paragraph is really, me bitching about the religious right. Keep religion out of your politics. Jesus dosn't support any wars, especially not a war that is all about greed and prestige. If I had anything to say about it, you'd all go to hell for that, and I don't even believe in that kind of afterlife. I would create hell just for you guys to suffer in. Not sure what I'd do, probubly make you lisean to hippie music for all eternity. However, I cannot do this, because A) I'm not God (no matter how good a God I would make) and B) If I was God, then I'd have to love all my creations equally I'd probubly just send a bunch of Prophets or something among you which you would eventually kill.
Kay, I have nineteen minutes to look at stuff on this internet computer. Don't worry, it won't be porn.


Steph said...

Whoa, a post!

Dylan said...

Yeah, I know. Havn't posted in awhile. Don't know what was stopping me.

Steph said...

Probably the pygmies. *wink*

Dylan said...

Yeah, they just come out of nowhere and BAM I don't write for days.

ZZZZZZZ said...

I haven't written in a while either. Been super busy and I can't wait until spring break next week! I'll finally be able to relax a bit and maybe finish getting my story together to send out. Great post today!!

Dylan said...

Thanks Shelia. I was worried about what happened to you.