Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Exams are eating my brain

I have come to the conclusion that hell is spending eternity in a very dirty high school bathroom doing an exam with a lot of other people who you don’t like. I just finsihed my Latin exam and soon I will be on to Math. This will be followed by a Math burning party, in which I will burn all my math notes. At the moment I am restabalizing my level of okayness with Dork Tower. I will make a link sometime.
That’s it, fair thee well.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Lazy Four-Day Weekend

Exams are tomorrow. Not very nervous about them, well actually I am a little nervous about them, now that I actually think about it. Don’t exactly know why I’m so nervous. It’s just because they are exams. I’ll probably do fine.
Anyway, I hade the last four days off. The first day I went to the Book Vault and bought the new Dungeons and Dragons supplements Races of the Dragon. On second thought it was a bad purchase and I should have gone for one of the Sandman comics.
On Saturday I went to the library, and on Sunday I stayed home and watched Batman Begins with my Dad and sister. Batman Begins is a very good movie.
Today I stayed home, watched Fistful of Dollars (also a good movie) went onto Little Steven’s Underground Garage homepage on the Internet and listened to an archived show about Louie, Louie, and ate some cookies.
Okay, that’s what I’ve been doing. Just thought I should let you know.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happiness Level Rising Captain

This semester is slowly winding down. My communications technology project is not stressing me that much anymore. I have come to the conclusions that one or more beings from the higher or lower planes is messing with my karma, so that it will be nigh impossible to fully complete this project, but I’m still pushing along with the help of an even greater power, my educational assistant.
I’m looking forward to my next semester because I am getting interesting courses that have nothing to do with math. I get to do art with my class from last year, which is good because I like them. I am also doing English, and I have a spare. They are also beginning to put in a mandatory reading period, which gives me a chance to read in school.
I just got the idea of starting an independent fan magazine for science fiction and fantasy and comic books and stuff. I know someone who may be interested at my school, she does comic books, and I think I’ll take it up with her sometime.
Later, peace.
Oh, I just saw the Deity of the Day. It is Chia, who is an evil goddess of South America. This makes me think of any evil Chia Pet. You all know Chia Pets, those weird ceramic things in the shape of animals that grows plants.
Okay, really peace out this time.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tired. Hate School

I wish Sprite and her friends would be quit. They are so noisy. There is at least one floor between us and I can still here them screaming. It sounds like there is a fight or something.
Communications Tech project still frustrating me. We’re recharging the batteries and will then get to work on the filming. I don’t know if the light will be good enough, but we can only hope. I really hate this project. I hate it on so many levels. I hate doing it, I hate the time limit, I hate having to explain it, I hate how I can’t get it done, I just hate it. It makes me very angry. I just don’t know how much I can take this. If this is what the world is like then I don’t want any truck with it. It just seems so large and intimidating and I just don’t think I can handle it.
I wish something happy would happen.
Till next time.

Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm So Dead

The gods hate me. I can’t get my homework done because I just ran out of batteries for my camera and know I can’t finish my Goddamned video autobiography. Ogg is going to kill me, I’m going to get bad marks and I am just completely screwed right now. This is my last day, I can’t do anything else and the stupid battery gave out. It’s all my fault, I should have turned it off. I’m so angry with myself. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
God help me.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Social Disillusionment and me

For the past few days I have become very disillusioned with society. It may be the election going on her in Canada. There are all these people who are saying to vote for these people and it all makes me angry. Harper going on about the corruption of the Liberals, Martin going on how Harper is going to do away with medicare, Layton going on about how both of these people are bogus. It just seems like their all trying to gain power, there lakes a certain order in this whole thing. I’m not sure what you’d call it.
I think that I have lost any faith I used to have in democracy. Looking at this election it seems that you just have a bunch of people fighting to become Prime Minister. It’s like that the political world is more concerned with gaining power. Also, when you get right down to it, democracy isn’t really freedom. It’s just the illusion of freedom. Think about it, whoever wins this election someone isn’t going to be to pleased.
So basically what I am saying is that I have lost all faith in my society that I ever hade in my being. I brought this up at a dinner my parents brought me to last night. Then the people their said that she thought I was a society drop out since I was nine or something (we went to their cottage once), so basically I have never really been part of the main stream society. Bonus.
Okay, I can’t write on this anymore. I’m going back to reading web comics.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Exams are coming up, and it should be fairly obvious that I find this endlessly frustrating. Math is the hardest. I just got a whole whack of homework in the math department and I can’t do it. I am not emotionally or mentally capable tonight, mainly because I have a whack of math homework. I’m not so sure what you call something like this, but all I know is that I am just not prepared for this.
The good thing is that I am almost done math. I just need to pass this exam and then I never have to take another math course again. I plan on celebrating by burning all my math papers. I’m not so sure what I will burn them in yet, but I’ll tell you. If it goes in my favor we will have pictures.
I hate exam season. Everything is all busy and people are in a rush. I am not the sort of person who is in a rush. I am a very relaxed person and I don’t like being put into a rush or under pressure.
I am reading a book on Understanding Islam. It is very interesting and I plan on doing a blog about it.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I think, at least they are doing a special thing for him on Google. I don’t know if they observe Martin Luther King Jr, Day in Canada, but I’m sure there are a lot of people who do it.
That’s it.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Remember, Remember the 5th of November

Okay, Last movie I was really excited about seeing (Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy) was a bit of a flop, but this one is going to be a good one for sure. V for Vendetta.
Know I have to explain what V for Vendetta is to oh, say my grandma.
V for Vendetta is one of the best graphic novels I have ever read, possibly the best graphic novel. Okay, it is the best Graphic Novel I have ever read, with Bone a close second and the complete Sandman series by Neil Gaiman a third. It’s about this fascist England that has taken hold of Britain after a Nuclear War. And their’s this girl called Evey and she’s saved by a bunch of police from this guy who dresses up as Guy Fawkes and is running a one-man anarchist rebellion against the British government and is really good at kicking ass. I mean, that alone is richously cool. And to make things even better, THE WATCHOWSKI BROTHERS, CREATORS OF THE MATRIX TRILOGY ARE DIRECTING OR PRODUCING THIS!!!!! I’M NOT SURE WHICH BUT WHO CARES!!!!! V FOR VENDETTA WITH WATCHOWSKI BROTHERS!!!! EXCELLENT!!!!
To see more about what I senserly hope is the best comic book movie of 2006, click on the title.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Neil Gaiman gets to sleep in late

I'm swamped.
Tommorrow I have a math test, do a presentation on St. Francis of Assisi and go to some meeting about my IEP or something and I need to find a map for Dungeons and Dragons and something to use as pieces. I was hoping Loncrow could supply the map, but it looks like that's not going to happen. It's all very stressful.
That's all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Smoke and Mirrors

In history class we are doing a project in which we take on the roles of historical figures or some sort of person. I’m doing St. Francis of Assisi. He is a very interesting person.
I am reading Smoke and Mirrors, a collection of Short Stories by Neil Gaiman. They are very good short stories. The last one I read was about this writer, who I think of as Neil Gaiman because it dosn’t actually say who he is, and he’s just written a novel that has been picked up by a movie company in L.A. and he spends most of his time being very confused and not understanding what’s going on with the movie, and at the hotel he is at he meets this old guy who was working for the hotel in the 1920's and knew all these famous movie stars including this one lady who is practically forgotten about ecsept for the old man. And there are all these people telling him versions of John Belushi’s death, but he always died with two other people and they are never the same people. It was a very good story. It is called The Goldfish Pool And Other Stories.
That’s all I have, I have to go do the dishes.

Friday, January 06, 2006

First Post of the New Year

I meant to make a post seven days ago, but I didn’t get around to it. Sorry, sorry.
Anyway, I’m doing fine know. I’m going to write this whole thing as a stream of consciousness and then go to be because it is really late. I went to get my passport for my Italy and Greece tour. It was rather dull, but then I went to the Chapters and got some new books. I got a Dungeons and Dragons magazine, and it is really interesting. I also got a book by Harry Turtledove and a collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman.
In about a week I’m going to see if my Dungeons and Dragons group can get started. I’m thinking about using the Dungeons and Dragons blog as a sort of a campaign diary, probably write some stuff from my characters perspective. I hope that the people I got will appreciate the story line I’m putting into this. There is going to be a very in-depth storyline, I’d like to go on a sort of side campaign to get some items for my own character, but I don’t think it would be fair to the other character. I have this whole other story line for my character. I’d go into it, but I think that I’ll wait until I get the blog up and running.
I may do something like this for all the campaigns I do, make like blog journals of it. I could see if I could get the other people to get in on this. I don’t know if they will, however. Personally, after I get this campaign done I’d like to do a game with another type of character (not a half-elf sorcerer/bard). I’m thinking maybe a Barbarian, I’ve got optional rules for a Barbarian that rides a horse in the magazine I got. I may also try a Wizard, Monk or Druid. I also plan on recreating the Nezumi Rouge character I hade as a sort of avatar for Ralph as soon as I can get my hands on a copy of Oriental Adventures.
Anyway, Christmas. I hade a really good Christmas. I got an MP3 player and I’m going to take it with me to Italy and Greece, so I don’t have to lug around a collection of CDs. I also got a thing called a Buddha Board. The deal with a Buddha Board is that you got this little box and you fill it with water and prop this board in the little slots on it and you paint stuff on it and watch it disappear. It is pretty cool and is based on some Zen concept. I didn’t get any books, but I got money to go to the Book Vault, which is a local bookstore and got the second volume of the Bone series, three comic books for the graphic novelization of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere and the first three books of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, which I have heard off. I also got a lot of clothes, a bar of chocolate that has been eaten, a page-a-day calendar, a reading light and some new incense sticks to burn. I like burning incense. It smells nice.
And that's all I have to say about that.