Friday, September 08, 2006

Ich Bein Ein Blogger

Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.
With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you
In love: You are picky but passionate
To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

You Are a Liberal for Life
You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.

You Are Most Like John F. Kennedy
You live a fairy tale life that most people envy.And while you may have a few dark secrets, few people know them.
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?

1 comment:

Dylan said...

yeah, but nothing personal.