Sunday, March 19, 2006

What I thought of the movie, V for Vendetta

Well, they left Vicious Cabaret out. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Alan Moore’s reluctance to have his name on any movies based on his work. Even so, I enjoyed the movie V for Vendetta very much.
For those of you who haven’t read V for Vendetta (such as the people sitting behind me and my dad who wondered why Natalie Portman, who plays Evey in the movie, had to shave her head) click here to see the post I made when I heard about it, or click here to go to the movie website, or click here to go to the Wikipedia article on the book, which may just ruin the entire film by giving you the ending. That saves me a lot of explaining, so I can get to the post.
In my opinion, V for Vendetta is a very good movie and you should go see it. I warn you, there is nudity (dead people from a concentration camp and some same-sex erotic photos), swearing (people say bollocks a lot) and lots and lots of violence (V is skilled at fighting and there are explosions to the 1812 overture). There were a few changes, such as the dictator character in the movie is called Adam Sutler, while in the book is it is Adam Susan. I believe they did this to make the dictator seem more Hitler-like (they crossed the original name with Hitler, Su-san, Hi-tler, Su-tler). The character in the book is crazy, not in the usual Jews-are-stealing-my-money way, but in the fact he’s in love with the computer Fate (which isn’t in the movie). I can except this diffrence from the book. They also replace the original apocalypse of nuclear war between the USA and the Soviet Union with biological warfare, which I will also except because the cold war is over and this effected the Hollywood people’s thought process somehow.
Okay, I don’t want to give away anything about the movie. Just go see it. It’s good. It rocks. The Watchowski Brother’s wrote the script. Go see it know, or tomorrow because it’s really late. I'll be publishing my Europe trip later.

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