Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Postcard from an internet cafe in Athens

Dear Mom, sisters, grandparents, relatives and Steph,
Sorry about the lack of communication from Europe, but this is the first internet cafe that actually works. It is called Mocafe, and I don't know the exact adress. It is very close to the Ionis hotel is all I know.
Anyway, I am enjoying myself very much and have seen many strange and wonderful things that I do not know if I can fit into this post. My dad says that he is missing his girls alot, which I presumes means he's missing mom and my sisters. Speaking of sisters, Delila would have a fit hear in Greece. The souviner shops are full of saytrs (which I have learned have really big phallus) and decks of cards decorated with "Greek Lovers," which is basically ancient porn. I don't have either of these, but I have seen them. The cards are sold on the front desk of my hotel.
Athens is very much like an industrial Canadian or American city except most stuff is speplt in greek and there are ancient ruins in the centre (i.e. The Parthenon). We also saw the rock were Saul/St. Paul gave his sermon about the unknown god (i.e. Jesus). We just saw those today and they were very cool. Another thing about Athens that is diffrent from Toronto is that everybody smokes, and I mean everywhere. People are really big on smokes in Greece.
I'd have to say that the favorite part of my trip is Rome, because it was so freaking cool. You can never take the phrase Rome wasn't built in a day for granted once you have actually seen Rome. They place is huge and has all this history. It's hard to believe people still live there, but they do because I suppose somebody has to. I saw lots of cool stuff in Rome such as The Vatican, The Coloseaum, The Trevi Fountain, The Four Rivers Fountain, The Spanish Steps and several other things that I don't know the names of. If anyone ever gets a chance to see Rome take it. You will not be disapointed, I'll explain about it more when I get home and have a rest, because I havn't gotten alot of rest and have been on my feet practically all the trip.
So, I will be home soon. I'm just going to take a short island cruise, and then I will be home to share all the photos I got. I love you all, and the time from this post is the time in Athens. Goodbye to mom and the girls, and my various readers. We will not be able to make any further contact with you after this post. I hope that one of you reads it.
Lots of Love,

1 comment:

Steph said...

I'm so glad you're having fun. :)

Looking forward to the pics!