Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Up late, my mind is acting overtime. I don't need to get my English essay in tomorrow, but it would be a good idea. I can feel my writing style being influenced by the short bits of writing from Burrough's biography I'm reading. Lack of sleep could also be a factor, but that's all part of the University experience isn't it?
I was thinking without any real reason or tracable pattern when I stumbled on my thoughts the way someone might stumble upon a word. When I should have been thinking Last Dance Revolution, I thought Last Dance Revelation. Is that really the title of the Naos and Helen novel? My thought patterns are beginning to change and I wonder if this should be brought into the novel.
Also, my note book is beginning to fall apart. The leather coverings are starting to peel away from the binding. I had another one, the leather one with the metal clasp Scout/Sprite gave me, but I lost it somewhere, probubly in St. Jerome's. I don't like this new journal as much because it dosn't have the same durability. I might try writing in it more so I can get through it fast. If I tried really hard I could probubly fill it out by December, but Schoolwork would probubly get in the way. I should try to sit down in the Atrium once a day and write down whatever comes to mind. Scenes from novels yet to be written, short stories and poems and maybe even a play or two. Do you think I could write a play?
Late now, should go to bed or work on essay.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Week Beginning Oct. 20 and Ending Oct. 25

So, I'm staying at the University for the weekend. It's been a pretty eventful week, what with Mid-terms and papers and everything. I would have posted sooner, but I was distracted.
First, that Word Study in Bible is finished. I don't really think I did as good as I could have on it, but I really do not want to go through the pain of doing it again. There was shouting and stress levels at red. Seriously. I'm not sure why exactly, it could be that I don't really understand the concept of redemption, what it means to me and relating that to the Biblical Hebrew term.
Mid-terms also came up this week, so far I've only done mid-terms in Film, which was a twenty-minute test of multiple choice questions. I also missed the film that night, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, which I got at Generation X last night to watch. It was pretty good, and I'm probubly going to walk all the way back to return it, unless I can find someone to give me a lift, which I doubt. The thing is that I saw it so I'm not behind.
Also, it's been a good day for books. I have gotten two new books, one Nova Express, by William S. Burroughs, the other The Bizarro Starter Kit. I read the first few strories in the Bizarro Starter Kit, which are written by a guy called D. Harlan Wilson, who apparently comes from the "bowels of Michigan."
Well, other then that and that it was Pride Week at University there's nothing much to tell you. Since I am getting involved in the Ally Program this affected me a bit, because I went to a training program. I'm thinking about joining, which basically means I'm the first step in a support group for any members of the Queer community that want to talk to someone about anything that is bothering them, like stress issues. I'm not really going to deal with this alot, but I will be telling them who to call, since GLOW would have to be really desperate to make me the front line in there support system. I also went to a bonfire last night, where I think I may have meet the anti-me. From what I was able to pick up his main interests where partying and he claimed to be physically disgusted by the library here, which gives me "Aspiegasms." There was general consensous that if we were to comeinto physical contact we would most likely cancel each other out.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


My word study in Bible is chugging along at a slow and somewhat painful rate. Did I tell you guys I'm doing a word study? I'm learning all about the Hebrew word ga'al and it's role in understanding the Book of Ruth. It's due tomorrow, so I have to get it done today. This is one of those times I should really bang it into my head that procrastination dosn't pay, but only leads to frustration.
This entire weekend at home has been about homework. I've been writing my English essay, which is know four pages long, and I have to get my whole word study to hand in tomorrow at the start of class. I have to get it done tonight, so I'll be ready for Bible tomorrow. This has basically been my weekend, stress and homework.
Therefore I am ending my blog here because I have nothing much else to write about.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conservative Blues

Well, it looks like the Conservative party is still in power over here in Canada. As a general leftist I am very disapointed, because Stephen Harper is a conservative weasel who said we were getting out of Afghanistan, and then said we'd stay if assistance is needed, which it will. Also he's cutting funds for arts, which to me says "I don't care about you." To be honest, I don't know much more then that he's a weasel and a conservative and a politician. So I'm a bit bugged about that.
Alright, I just don't trust Conservatives. I don't trust anyone who goes to traditional ideas in politics, because I think that old ideas in politics. I really wanted the NDP to win, because I like the NDP. I like Jack Layton, and I really think he'd make a good Prime Minister. Also, Harper basically wants to turn Canada into another America, and I consider looking down on America, at least there politics, as being something fundamentally Canadian. Why do Canadians make such a big deal about burning down the White House in the war of 1812? Because deep down, we don't like the Americans. We'll never go to war with you, because we'd loose. The only way for Canada to win against the Americans were to start a guerilla army, go up North, wait to the Americans follow us and then when winter comes slowly pick them off while they freeze in the snow, waiting for resources to get through the cold winter. Back on subject, I really hope that Harper dosn't win in the next election, and that Canada gets ride of this Goddamn first-past-the-post system we have.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Should I Go Public?

This is a conversation I had a few minutes or seconds ago with Steph, well a seletion of a conversation anyways. It's about an issue I've been wondering about. I thought it would be interesting and informative. I would appreciate the imput of you guys, as always.
David says:
So you think I'm going to half to reveal my true identity once I've been published?
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
not if you want to be published under a pseudonym
David says:
Hm, I don't know
David says:
Everyone thinks of me as (CENSORED FOR SECURITY REASONS) who know my work
David says:
I don't even know what my pseudonym should be
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
well, i don't think there's anything wrong with going public. i'd say it's about time actually
David says:
Yeah, maybe I should
David says:
But my parents will probubly freak
David says:
My grandparents too
David says:
Maybe I could tell grandpa not to tell grandma
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
is it really that big of an issue? i mean, stalkers don't generally track down random people for no other reason than that they like their name
David says:
You may be right

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Upcoming Thanksgiving Weekend and Ralph's Health

Today I will be heading home for Thanksgiving Weekend. Besides eating loads of food that will make me full and sleepy, I'll also be doing my English essay on Dubliners. I've got a pretty good idea of where that will be going. I look forward to being in my old room, on my comfortable tempurpedic mattress. Even with the padding I on my bed now I miss my tempurpedic.
I'm worried about physical Ralph. I don't know if you know this, but I have a physical Ralph that I have with me, which is a hand puppet I've had since I was five. That's about thirteen years, pretty old for a hand puppet. He's not doing very well. Bits of his fur or felt are falling off and he's starting to smell funny. I'd put him through the wash, but I don't know if he'd survive. I highly doubt it. I wonder if there is a way to make him better, you know, strengthen his steams and get his eyes back in. I don't know enough about sewing or anything like that. I might even sew up his back since I don't really use him as a puppet anymore, dosn't fit my hand anymore anyways.
Physical Ralph was made by a company called Folkmanis Inc. I'm looking at there website and I can't seem to find Ralph's kind of puppet anywhere. I also can't seem to find any information regarding the Ralph design. I guess that means he's something of an antique. That dosn't comfort me much.
Is there such a place you can go to get your favorite stuffed animal checked up? I'm looking for one at the moment. I found one place, called Chasey's Teddy Bear Repair, but I'm not sure where it is. Maybe if I ask around downtown I can find someone, but I'm worried they'll be shifty. Maybe I can search around my hometown. One of my sisters went to a sewing group, so maybe I could find someone there.
Ralph is stable at the moment.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

James Joyce vrs D.H. Lawrence

For English I was going to write an essay on Sons and Lovers. I am coming to the conclusion that to write a short essay on D.H. Lawrence is impossible.
I talked it over with my parents last night and all I got was confusion and strife on my part. I was stressed, crying and getting into a phase that would scare most people who didn't know me closely. The Sons and Lovers essay question was basically to look at an aspect of family dynamics in Sons and Lovers. This is a very complicated family, full of dysfunction, economic and social commentary and an insestous subtext. Bring in the sons attempts with there various lovers and we have on hell of some complicated social interactions here, and let me stress the fact that I am autistic and have little idea about basic social interaction.
So today after class I went over it with my teacher and she said I should be taking a look at something a little less complicated, like Joyce's Dubliners. To be honest, Dubliners was my first idea. I was going to look at the treatment of women in Dubliners and how Joyce showed how bad women where treated and how they had to deal with this. I think this could be easier, at least I could come up with an essay that is six pages.
I was wondering if there is a writer out there who just looks at basic human interaction. I think I could really use a writer like that. I don't think a neurotypical majority environment can support a writer like that. Reading D.H. Lawrence seems to make me realize how complicated human interaction and how stupid most of this can actually be. To be honest, the closest a writer or movement is to my outlook would have to be absurdism. I imagine if a neurotypical where to suddenly become autistic he would be overwhelmed by the absurdity. Incidently, I claim that as a story idea, since it's pretty good once you work it out. I imagine that my work will be considered at least partially absurd, and my stories are at the moment pretty out there. I really hope that I can get around to actually writing stuff I care about soon. I hope that once this essay is done it will get better.
Also, it turns out that my English professor is pretty cool with deadlines, so I may not have to get it done by Thursday, which is a comfort. Yeah, the essay's due date is this Thursday. But I'm going to be running this essay by my teacher. I'm going to read a few short stories from Dubliners tonight and trying to figure out what my essay should really be about.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Official Challenge to the American Mustache Institute

It appears that I have garnered my first controversy over my writing. It appears that a group called the American Mustache Institute have sent me the following email.

We were disgusted to read on your blog that you shaved your mustache. Clearly, you did not realize - as it is written in the Dead Sea Scrolls - that each time a mustache is shaved, an angel in heaven dies and falls to earth. Keep this in mind next time you commit a senseless act.
Carry on.
The American Mustache Institute


(877) STACHE-1

"...a mustache is a terrible thing to shave"
Disclaimer: AMI supports healthy, performance enhancing-free mustaches that contain no pesticides. Mustaches should be worn at the individual's own risk, and AMI is not responsible for mustaches that make men look like child molesters or Dave Navarro. Wearing a "Dictator" mustache may lead to repeated beatings. Mustaches should not be worn by women who hope to find employment outside of waste collection or who are looking for male companionship. If your mustache causes
you to have an erection for more than four hours, seek immediate attention from
a doctor, spouse, girlfriend, or Dave Navarro. In extremely rare cases, mustaches may cause significant decreases in sexual activity, friendships, and approval by society at large. Unibrows, commonly referred to as "forehead mustaches," are not recognized by AMI. AMI does not support chin coverage (i.e. beards, goatees) as they represent the "spousal compromise." The vast majority of mustache wearers have highly positive responses from friends, exotic dancers and grade school teachers. AMI strongly encourages consulting a physician before exploring your personal mustache capabilities, as premature mustache growth may lead to feelings of despair and depression. AMI cautions against trusting clean-shaven officers of the law. If a mustache-free constable attempts to stop your vehicle, dial 911 and proceed to the nearest police station, where a squadron of heavily mustached officers will greet you with open arms. Please consider the environment before shaving your mustache, and when considering your presidential choices in 2008, remember that Bob Barr is the first mustached American presidential candidate since Thomas E. Dewey in 1948.
*This was NOT sent from a Blackberry, as mustached Americans neither own, nor have the ability, to operate Blackberrys.

Apparently they have a website and everything. Since the American Mustache Institute is reading this blog, then I am going to say that I do not take you seriously and find your bias against the non-mustached as frankly anti-Mennonite. Not having a mustache is a symbol of my pride of coming from a mennonite background, and your accusations are insulting to my hertiage. I am calling you, Fuz lips. I thought that this may not be the look for me recently, but now that I realize that it has caused this much controversy, as well as generating this insulte of the honor of my mustache-less Mennonite ancestors who suffered years of persecution at the hands of (probubly mustachioed) Catholic and Protestant Churches. I will fight you with all I have, if not for me, but for the legions of mustache-less Amish and Mennonites who have probubly never heard of you. Bring it on, bitches!

Noah and the Whale - 5 Years Time

This is a nice , warm and fuzzy music video from Youtube. You are now all going to go to go out and by there album or at least consider it. I know I'm going to consider downloading it.