Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Should I Go Public?

This is a conversation I had a few minutes or seconds ago with Steph, well a seletion of a conversation anyways. It's about an issue I've been wondering about. I thought it would be interesting and informative. I would appreciate the imput of you guys, as always.
David says:
So you think I'm going to half to reveal my true identity once I've been published?
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
not if you want to be published under a pseudonym
David says:
Hm, I don't know
David says:
Everyone thinks of me as (CENSORED FOR SECURITY REASONS) who know my work
David says:
I don't even know what my pseudonym should be
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
well, i don't think there's anything wrong with going public. i'd say it's about time actually
David says:
Yeah, maybe I should
David says:
But my parents will probubly freak
David says:
My grandparents too
David says:
Maybe I could tell grandpa not to tell grandma
(Steph) "We sing, we dance, we steal things." says:
is it really that big of an issue? i mean, stalkers don't generally track down random people for no other reason than that they like their name
David says:
You may be right


BlogStalker said...

I apologize in advance, I tend to leave very long comments.

I worry all the time about my son, who is only 15 1/2, going public, because there is still so much he needs to learn about social interaction and protecting himself. He is still EXTREMELY vulnerable and incapable of handling a lot of situations where he might be bullied or manipulated. I think he will eventually get past this stage. The fact that you are at University and living outside your parents house (granted, with a lot of support) gives me a lot of hope that my kid will one day do the same. Hopefully this will be in the not too distant future, but I am approaching going public with his identity very cautiously because he is definitely slower in his social development than his academic development.

You were discussing yourself in a couple of earlier posts how there were some challenging incidents since University started regarding socialization. I think going public is definitely going to increase the amount of personal attention you get from strangers. I think you're very smart to consider it very seriously first. John Elder Robison is a fifty year old adult with asperger's who recently got published for a semi autobiographical memoir that was super. He mentions in his blog that touring to promote his book has improved his social skills many times over than anything else he has done in his life this far.

I was wondering whether or not he debated before publishing if he should use his real name. I bet now he is glad he did because he has been received very very well by the autism community AND the general community. I am curious as to whether or not you think your current peers would do the same. It's not just stalkers. Do you think you're ready to handle it?

Dylan said...

Thank you blogstalker, and while I do not really want you to go public I recommend you change your blogger alias sometime soon. It will panic my relatives.

BlogStalker said...

That's funny. From now on I'll sign my name too, or comment anonymously
