Saturday, May 05, 2007

Writers Blockage

I'm worried about my novel. I've been working on it and my mind just seems to stop. I'm having different ideas on how the novel should actually go. I want to keep it withing 300-400 pages, but it seems to be getting more complicated in my mind. More characters want in on it and I don't think that's how my first novel should work.
That, and I'm worried that the world isn't developed enough. I know that America is know Greater America and encompasses Canada and Mexico, and a bit of the South America and the Caribbean probably. I know that it's run by a multinational corporation that runs the pseudo-fascist dictatorship. I know that a derivative of heroin is know legal. I know that Greater America is in an economical war with a United Middle-East and India for world domination. I know that Christian Fundamentalism has evolved into Christian Terrorism, I just don't know how this all ends up. I also know that one of the characters talks in a form of slang that should sound somewhat like a mix of Japanes refrences and whatever they speak on the streets, I should be able to find the stuff on the internet. I'm just really worried about how it's all going to end up. I want to get the world done so I can get the novel going and hopefully get it finished by summer, or at least the first part.
Also, my Family 48 series has grown completely out of control. I'm adding in to many characters and it's getting to long. I'm thinking about either splitting it into several different books with little relation to each other. I'm still going to do something about the 60's, but it won't have much to do with the Otherworld America I've created, and Jack Blackwright's story will probubly become completely different.
Alright, I'm going to split up the ideas, explaining them as best I can without making the plot so similar that someone will steal them.
  1. The 1960's Commune Thing, This I see as a really long book. It would envolve the conflict of Sophia and Yazan alot and would take place in a sort of commune, at the moment around San Fransisco.
  2. Other America, This could work as alot of novels. The basic premis is that there is another America behind the one we all know inhabited by magical beings and stuff like that. Pretty odvious I imagine, but I think I could work a few novels into it.
  3. The Howler Novel(s), The Howler family are a bunch of people of African-American and Native American ancestory who are the most powerful sorcerers in America. Their leader is the semi-Immortal giant, Grandpa Howler. There is alot of things I'd like to do with these guys, since they sound really interesting to me. I could probubly use them to tie the 1960's novel and Other America together.
  4. Jack Blackwright, I really like this character and he didn't really do much in the 1960's story so I'm working him into his own series that went on more or less around the same time, but will most likely be more European based. I may also work the London stories into this. The basic feel should be what the Da Vinci Code would be like if the focus was on the Bloodline of Christ, instead of the people trying to figure it out.
  5. The Second Coming of Christ, If your familiar with Christianity then you have an idea of what this is about. If your familiar with me, it will envolve tributes to "Easy Rider."
  6. Ar Ehdo's Story, I just can't not write a novel (or series of novels) about an immortal who has wittnessed events in human history we don't even know about. Bits of it would be wrote as an autobiography Ar Ehdo wrote during the Eighteenth Century.
  7. The Nyzadi Stories, based on the original Naos stories. This will add the science fiction element, by way of Robert Morning Sky. Also ties into the Last Dance Revolution, but how? I know, but I'm not telling you guys. Steph will know. Oh, and it will probubly have something to do with the Kennedy Assassination.
  8. The Apocalypse Novel, I just want to write something about the end times.
Let's see, that's 13 novels to 18 novels and 1 book of short stories, all relativly in the same series. Off course, I believe that all my books are really part of the same series. I'm also thinking about writing in a novel within the novels using the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck as inspiration. I think writing this has been alot of help to me. I'd appreciate any feedback. I'd also appreciate to know if you believe I should repost this on DeviantArt, to see if they think it would be a good idea to post up there.


Dylan said...

That means nothing to me, secret rapture.

ZZZZZZZ said...

Sorry to hear about your writers block. It sucks... I am in that boat a lot. I do have one piece of advice for you though, let your characters take you through the story no matter how long it seems. You can always edit and cut things out later or form an entirely different story then you had started out writing... and maybe it's for the better. Keep on truckin!

Dylan said...

Thanks for the advise Shelia.